I'm (in)famous for my rants about our purchase order pads, which were printed 
up in zillions in the mid-20th century and require carbon paper (which is damn 
hard to find these days).  I huffed and I puffed and swore I wouldn't shut up 
until I could do purchase orders online.  

Well, I won.  And the application for online purchase orders is so awkward and 
time-consuming that I realized we can do the hand-written ones in a fraction of 
the time.  In the end, either one has to be signed, so it makes no difference 
if we have to shelpp a paper pad or a printout from office to office for 

By now, using up all those fin-de-siecle purchase order pads seems ecologically 
justified as a means of SAVING paper...

Amalyah Keshet

?????: ??mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu] ??? Deborah Wythe 
[deborahwythe at hotmail.com]
??????: ????? ???? 23 ??????? 2009 17:18
????: mcn-l at mcn.edu
??????: [MCN-L] how paperless is your museum?

We had a conversation this morning with the director about greening the museum 
and one of the things that came up was going paperless (where it makes sense -- 
I'm use to be the archivist, after all). He asked for some examples of museums 
who were doing it and doing it well.

Anybody out there want to put their museum out there as an example of a (pretty 
much) paperless shop?
What have you automated? Payroll? Personnel files? Purchase orders? Financial 
records? Loans? (I'm assuming that with CMS systems, a lot of object 
documentation is now paperless.)

And a related question: anyone with a full-fledged electronic records program 
up and running successfully?

I browsed this year's MCN program (how I wish it was searchable...) and didn't 
find any references to "paperless" or "electronic records."

Thanks, everybody!

Deb Wythe
Brooklyn Museum

deborahwythe at hotmail.com

Windows 7: I wanted more reliable, now it's more reliable. Wow!
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