Hi all,

Any djatoka users out there?

We're on the brink of deciding between two candidates as open-source 
AJAX client implementations for working with navigable images served 
with resolution on demand by djatoka server and a JPEG 2000 back-end.

The two candidates are Djatoka OpenURL, based on OpenLayers, and Djatoka 
Viewer, based on IIPMooViewer. We have test pages up and running with 
both, and based on lots of search-engine-findable resources, both seem 
like good candidates based on functional needs and general factors; so I 
thought I'd ask here if anyone has actually been using either or both.

Any hands-on tales of use cases or applications in museum contexts that 
might suggest one of these tools would be preferable to the other?


Rob Lancefield (rlancefield [at] wesleyan [dot] edu)
Manager of Museum Information Services / Registrar of Collections
Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University
301 High Street, Middletown CT 06459-0487 USA
President, Museum Computer Network (MCN), <http://www.mcn.edu>
The membership organization for museum information professionals

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