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The Exhibition Media Coordinator will coordinate and maintain key media pieces 
for the 9/11 Memorial Museum. The Exhibitions department oversees more than 90 
media pieces, both static and interactive. This position works with a range of 
digital media including websites, mobile applications, and software 

-Moderate and maintain exhibition media content using a custom Content 
Management System (CMS).
-Review visitors' content submissions via exhibition media, including video and 
audio recordings made in the Museum's recording studio.
-Participate in ongoing testing and review of software created for Museum 
exhibitions, including some user evaluation.
-Coordinate with internal Information Technology staff and external consultants 
to ensure performance of exhibition media and software.
-Working with other Exhibitions staff, project manage the development of new 
media pieces, interactive exhibition elements, and web projects as well as 
adjustments to existing media.
-Prepare materials for presentations for staff, consultants, and external 
-Support other projects as assigned.

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