Len and all,

A recent one that springs to mind is Portland's Newspace Center for Photography--not strictly a museum, but maybe close enough here as a nonprofit focused on art education and exhibition in a public gallery. They just ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to launch a curatorial position:


I don't know of anyone there being connected to MCN, by the way; but crowdfunding to actually bootstrap a new position at an exhibiting organization may still make it of interest. Caught my eye, anyway!

all best,

Rob Lancefield
Manager of Museum Information Services / Registrar of Collections
Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University
301 High Street, Middletown CT 06459-0487 USA
rlancefield [at] wesleyan [dot] edu  |  tel. 860.685.2965

On 11/10/14 2:38 PM, Leonard Steinbach wrote:
Hello all,

I will presenting:

Big, Small, Create--Maybe It's Even More Fun if It's Crowd-funded (Thurs

at the MCN 2014 Conference next Thursday afternoon.  I look forward to
discussing many aspects of museum crowd-funding, and presenting many

I would really like to highlight (give a shout out to), briefly, examples
from museums which will be present at the conference, or those who are
present on this list and would like to be acknowledged for their.

If interested, please just respond to this list or email me at
lensteinb...@gmail.com and if you have some comment or something you
learned that you would like to share, let me know that, too (full
acknowledgment or anonymity, as preferred promised if I cite your

Finally, let me know if you are planning to attend the session, so that I
can reach out to engage you in the conversation.


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