For many years MCN-L's online archive was only spottily indexed by search engines and so wasn't super-usable. Starting last fall I began to fix that, and Rob Lancefield joined me a few months ago to make the new, fully-searchable archive as complete as it can be (Rob had obsessively saved older MCN-L messages that weren't even in the current MCN server's archive!). It's now all done, and available at

and it has a pretty great advanced search, too (start with a simple search and then it'll offer more options).

The "messages by date" interface only shows the most recent 3000 or so messages, but try the advanced search, and you'll see that (thanks to Rob!) the messages go back to 1996 ... the very beginning of MCN-L. Check it out:

You might also, with crafty advanced searching, see that a handful of messages are erroneously time-stamped in 1970, the beginning of Unix time (thank your system admin if this never happened at your employer). But sadly, they actually came from much later.

If you ever lose the link, it's in the footer of every MCN-L message. Enjoy!

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