Issue 2: Data, March 2022

Deadline: Monday, April 19, 2021

Find full details and submit proposals on the journal website:

For this issue, we invite proposals that critique the current state of data 
production and analysis in the context of cultural institutions as well as 
proposals from those producing innovative systems and content informed by those 
critiques. What new art historical questions does self-aware engagement with 
data and its production enable us to pose? How can we work with (and past) gaps 
and uncertainties in data? How might museums use data to promote social justice 
and equity? We welcome case studies, interventions, and meta-examinations of 
the history of the questions around data, its uses, and its representation. 
Contributions might engage critical race theory, feminist theory, and queer 
theory, among other frameworks, and could take the form of artistic 
contributions, data visualizations, essays, or interactive databases.

A successful submission will:

  *   present original research and/or ideas that imaginatively engage new 
topics and perspectives
  *   enrich and complicate the issue’s theme
  *   relate to current concerns in the world at large
  *   engage with objects in a meaningful way, whether at the micro or macro 
  *   be appealing and accessible to intellectually curious but nonspecialist 
  *   articulate its relevance to thinkers and makers outside its discipline 
and specialty
  *   adopt a definite point of view on its material, even if that view 
embraces ambiguity and complexity

For the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 issues, there will be a $1,000 honorarium for 
contributions from non-Art Institute of Chicago staff.

A note on translation:
The Art Institute Review welcomes proposals from scholars working in other 
languages. The proposal must be in English, but if it is accepted, the author 
may write in their preferred language, and the journal will oversee the 

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