In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Islam thrives as Russia's population falls

Russia is in the midst of startling transformation. Islamic faith is 
thriving across the country. If current trends continue, experts say, more 
than half of Russia's population will be Muslim by mid-century.

Spurring on the mob was Alexander Belov, charismatic head of the Movement 
Against Illegal Immigration, an increasingly powerful lobby group that has 
staged dozens of rallies in recent months. In an interview at a Czech 
restaurant in central Moscow, Belov railed against what he called the 
growing "Islamification" of Russia.

"Russia is historically a Slavic, Orthodox Christian land and we need to 
make sure it stays that way," he said, adding that Orthodox Christianity 
should be enshrined as Russia's official religion and efforts made to 
convert Muslims. Islam is currently recognized as one of Russia's official 
religions, along with Orthodox Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism.

Like many nationalists, Belov makes no distinction between Muslim 
immigrants and Russian citizens of Islamic faith. He says Muslims, no 
matter what their citizenship, should be restricted from living in 
"traditional Russian lands."


U.S. tracks Canadians for terror traits

Monitoring system stores data on flights, licence plates, credit cards, 

WASHINGTON­The U.S. government knows where you sat on your last 
cross-border flight, how you paid for your ticket, your email address, your 
phone number, even your special meal requests in the past.

They won't let you look at the information but they can share it with law 
enforcement agencies, foreign governments, even public health agencies and 
they can keep the dossiers compiled on millions of Canadian travellers for 
up to 40 years.


9/11 : Close-Up of WTC-7 Collapse Footage Shows Unmistakable Demolition Charges

I had stayed away from the issue of puffs of smoke and debris coming out of 
the World Trade Center buildings up until now because most of them could be 
explained as air being forced out through windows as ceilings collapsed 
onto the floors.

But this video (and this one HERE) is a convincer!


The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture

Mr. McCoy is J.R.W. Smail Professor of History at the University of 
Wisconsin-Madison and the author of A Question of Torture: CIA 
Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: 
Metropolitan Books, 2006).

In April 2004, Americans were stunned when CBS broadcast those 
now-notorious photographs from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, showing hooded 
Iraqis stripped naked while U.S. soldiers stood by smiling.  As this 
scandal grabbed headlines around the globe, Defense Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld insisted that the abuses were "perpetrated by a small number of 
U.S. military," whom New York Times’ columnist William Safire soon branded 
"creeps"--a line that few in the press had reason to challenge.


End is near in Babylon

Iraq’s prime minister, Nuri Al Maliki, governs only over Baghdad’s 
US-protected Green Zone. The US controls what passes for Iraq’s police and 
armed forces. Maliki has no army of his own; his Shia supporters are 
divided and feuding. How can Bush expect a powerless prime minister to do 
what the mighty US cannot? Continue


Is President Bush Sane?

The president of the United States is so deep into denial that he is no 
longer among the sane.


Has He Started Talking to the Walls?

We’ve witnessed the troubling behavior of a president who isn’t merely in a 
state of denial but is completely untethered from reality. It’s not that he 
can’t handle the truth about Iraq. He doesn’t know what the truth is.


The US and the Middle East: A “Grand Settlement” Versus the Jewish Lobby

Because of the refusal of the peace movement to take a stand and confront 
the Zionist Lobby, it is condemned to playing a passive ‘spectator role’ in 
the ‘Baker versus-Lobby’ battle for control over US Middle East policy.


Iraq - Lantos: "We'll be rid of the bastard soon enough. And in his place 
we'll install a pro-Western dictator"

"My dear Colette, don't worry," said Tom Lantos, the California 
congressman, as he tried to calm MK Colette Avital of the Labor Party, who 
was visiting Capitol Hill last week as part of a delegation of the Peace 
Coalition. "You won't have any problem with Saddam," the Jewish congressman 
continued. "We'll be rid of the bastard soon enough. And in his place we'll 
install a pro-Western dictator, who will be good for us and for you."

This is the guy Pelosi wants to chair International Affairs Committee?


Mister Death Squad Goes to Washington

Welcome to the final Byzantine round of the Machiavellian Iraqi war games 
in Washington. Making his triumphant appearance today is none other than 
Abdelaziz Al-Hakim – the wise one. He’s a veteran player who survived four 
years of preliminary elimination rounds to qualify for the final phase of 
what is turning out to be a truly Olympian imperial project.


US Iraq raid kills child and women

Residents in the village of al-Lihaib near the town of Garma, said 24 
people had been killed and some buildings levelled in the assault.


Death squads roam Baghdad's hospitals

“I’m an Iraqi doctor, working in one of the biggest hospitals in Iraq and I 
want you to read this carefully because the suffering and the lives of many 
poor people have become the cheapest things that you can buy in my country,”,,2089-2483899,00.html


Annan: Iraq in civil war, worse than under Saddam

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Iraq was in the grips of a civil war 
and many people were worse off now than under Saddam Hussein, according to 
an interview to be broadcast on Monday.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 2 December 2006.

    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US Marine in ar-Ramadi at 
noon Saturday.
    * US officer reported killed by Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter in 
al-Fallujah on Friday.
    * Resistance bomb leaves two US troops reported killed in al-Fallujah 
    * 37,000 Sunnis being held, tortured in Iraqi puppet regime prisons, 
spokesman for Association of Muslim Scholars says; 300-400 victims found 
dead every day.
    * Four-wheel drive vehicle used by VIPs in occupied Iraq veers off road 
and flips over as it races to Saddam International Airport.
    * Six US troops reported killed in fierce battle in Baghdad Saturday 
    * Resistance fighter lobs hand grenade into US Humvee leaving American 
soldier reported dead as curfew in Samarra’ enters third day amidst 
increased American restrictions.
    * Resistance mortars pound US headquarters in Hit Friday evening.
    * Resistance bomb targets US patrol near al-Qa’im in western Iraq
    * Resistance fighters blast al-Habbaniyah base with 120mm mortar Friday 
    * Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in al-Haqlaniyah market Friday 
afternoon, wounding four.
    * Resistance bomb damages US minesweeper vehicle in al-Fallujah 
Saturday morning.
    * Resistance barrage kills nine puppet “Shock Troops” in western 
Baghdad midday Saturday.
    * Resistance fighters ambush pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen in 
ad-Durah Friday.
    * US, Iraqi puppet army carry out raids and arrests in Ba‘qubah Friday.
    * Resistance blasts “American meat base” in al-Mahmudiyah at noon 
    * Resistance blasts US consulate in al-Hillah with mortars.
    * Resistance pounds US base in al-Hawijah with Katyusha rockets, mortars.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet police in al-Mawsil Friday.


U.S. occupation troops kill Afghan police, circumstances in dispute

A U.S. troop convoy fired on policemen in waning daylight in eastern 
Afghanistan, killing one officer and wounding another, officials said Saturday.


How US dollars disappear in Afghanistan

Mr. Karzai has done nothing tangible in the past 4 years to rebuild the 
country. Millions of $ has been given to Afghanistan by donor countries but 
much of it is being grabbed by warlords, NGOs and UN workers.


Helicopter missing in Afghanistan

Taliban fighters claim to have downed the aircraft, a Russian MI25, using a 

I am suspicious of the timing of this chopper shoot-down in the wake of 
Bush's "scolding" NATO for not sending troops to support the US in 


Hamas dismisses resignation call

"We cannot accept such a step, which is against Palestinian democracy and 
goes against the election results. The PLO doesn't represent the 
Palestinian people."


New UN resolutions back Palestinian right to a state

The General Assembly approved Friday night six pro-Palestinian resolutions 
over U.S. and Israeli objections, culminating in the world body's 
declaration of backing the Palestinians' right to an independent state.


UN human rights inquiry: Israel should compensate Lebanon

A United Nations human rights inquiry said on Friday that Israel should be 
made to pay compensation for damage caused by the month-long Lebanon, 
especially losses incurred by civilians.


Exposed: The House of Death

When 12 bodies were found buried in the garden of a Mexican house, it 
seemed like a case of drug-linked killings. But the trail led to Washington 
and a cover-up that went right to the top.


U.S. funding Somali warlords - intelligence experts

CIA-operated flights into Somalia have been bringing in $100,000 to 
$150,000 per month for the warlords. The flights remain in Somalia for the 
day, he said, so that U.S. agents can confer with their allies.


US pressured Blair into arms bribery inquiry

A bribery investigation threatening the future of 50,000 British jobs 
followed heavy pressure on Tony Blair from George Bush's administration


No 'Dirty Bomb' Questions During Padilla Interrogation?

An official record of the first FBI interrogation of Jose Padilla following 
his 2002 arrest contains no reference to al Qaeda or a "dirty bomb" plot 
Padilla was allegedly spearheading.


Boeing is alleged to be a travel agent for torture

The cargo of prisoners includes many who say they were tortured and others 
who claim to have been mistakenly abducted and abused


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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