In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Deaths In Iraq Have Reached 1 Million : US WarCriminal

Grim claim on fourth anniversary of conflict. THE 
number of deaths in Iraq since the start of the 
conflict could be as high as one million, it was claimed yesterday.

On the fourth anniversary of the invasion by 
Allied troops, an Australian scientist insisted 
the true death toll dwarfed previous estimates. 
Dr Gideon Polya said: "Using the most 
comprehensive and authoritative literature and UN 
demographic data yields an estimate of one 
million post-invasion excess deaths in Iraq."

His figure is far higher than the biggest previous estimate of 655,000.

A spokesman for the Stop The War Coalition said 
the figure was "astonishing", adding: "Four years 
after the start of the conflict in Iraq, we can 
now see what a disaster the war has been.

"Everything we predicted would happen has taken 
place, but it has been far worse than we feared."


One million post-invasion Iraqi excess deaths 
ignored - Silence of Mainstream media

MWC NEWS readers may have encountered a recent 
article of mine in which the post-invasion excess 
deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not 
have to happen) in Occupied Iraq were estimated 
at 1 million (ONE MILLION). This estimate was 
based on the very latest medical literature and 
UN Population Division data sources that were 
carefully documented in the 2 February 2007 article.

Accordingly I have RE-CALCULATED the 
“post-invasion Iraqi excess deaths” as of March 
2007, making 5 ESTIMATES using 4 INDEPENDENT SETS 
OF DATA as set out below. The key sources are 
UNICEF, the UN Population Division and scientific 
papers from the top US medical epidemiology group 
in the World’s top Public Health Department (the 
Bloomberg School of Public Health) at the top 
Johns Hopkins University and published 
peer-reviewed in the top medical journal The 
Lancet (for further details and detailed 
documentation of what follows see MWC News and HERE ):


The 9/11 Lie Is In Critical Condition

There was a time, not long ago, when daring to 
question the official account of 9/11 was risky 
business. One was almost guaranteed to be 
attacked as a "crazy person" or a "traitor" or a 
"terrorist sympathizer." Times have changed. At 
this point, 
less than 20% of the population believes they 
were given the full truth regarding 9/11. 
Logically one might ask: "Why is that?"

It wasn't for lack of trying that the government 
failed in its propaganda campaign. It wasn't for 
lack of "helping hands" in the mainstream media. 
(Though even that support has begun to fall 
apart.) No, it was one thing and one thing only 
that caused hundreds of millions of American 
citizens to openly question the official account of 9/11; the evidence.

In short, the evidence that we have been 
shamelessly lied to regarding the events of 9/11 
is irrefutable. There is an enormous body of 
circumstantial evidence, there is an enormous 
body of physical evidence, and there is an 
enormous body of historical evidence. Perhaps 
most damning (at this point) is the ongoing cover 
up itself. -The deliberate attempt to obstruct an 
open discussion of the facts. Evidence of that 
grows by the hour, but not to worry...


9/11 : Government Misconduct, Not Truthers, Most 
Insulting to 9/11 Heroes, Victims

A popular tactic to shut down debate on behalf of 
debunkers is to claim that asking questions about 
the official 9/11 story is insulting to the 
victims, and yet it is the progenitors of that 
myth, the government itself, that through its 
post-9/11 actions has inflicted the most misery 
and suffering upon ground zero heroes and victims.

Frothing Neo-Con attack dogs like Bill O'Reilly 
and Sean Hannity, along with high profile 9/11 
truth TV and newspaper hit pieces put out by the 
BBC and their ilk, have all regurgitated the 
emotional rhetoric that having skepticism towards 
the official 9/11 fairy tale is a direct attack 
on the memories of those lost on 9/11 and their loved ones.

As is usually the case with arguments put forth 
by debunkers, the exact opposite is true.


1 Out of 680 Americans a Suspected Terrorist: 
Terror Database Has Quadrupled In Four Years

U.S. Watch Lists Are Drawn From Massive Clearinghouse

Flashback: New Anti-Terror Training Manual Says 
''Property Rights Activists'' Are TerroristsEach 
day, thousands of pieces of intelligence 
information from around the world -- field 
reports, captured documents, news from foreign 
allies and sometimes idle gossip -- arrive in a 
computer-filled office in McLean, where analysts 
feed them into the nation's central list of terrorists and terrorism suspects.

Called TIDE, for Terrorist Identities Datamart 
Environment, the list is a storehouse for data 
about individuals that the intelligence community 
believes might harm the United States. It is the 
wellspring for watch lists distributed to 
airlines, law enforcement, border posts and U.S. 
consulates, created to close one of the key 
intelligence gaps revealed after Sept. 11, 2001: 
the failure of federal agencies to share what 
they knew about al-Qaeda operatives.

But in addressing one problem, TIDE has spawned 
others. Ballooning from fewer than 100,000 files 
in 2003 to about 435,000, the growing database 
threatens to overwhelm the people who manage it. 
"The single biggest worry that I have is 
long-term quality control," said Russ Travers, in 
charge of TIDE at the National Counterterrorism 
Center in McLean. "Where am I going to be, where 
is my successor going to be, five years down the road?"


The Moral Imperative

The United States Middle East policy is also 
intended to suppress the enemies of radical 
Zionism and to extend Zionist control of the 
region, as well as to prop up the sagging U.S. 
dollar against the strengthening euro. It is the 
continuation of Manifest Destiny; the foolish but 
stubborn believe that Americans are superior to 
everyone else; what historian Howard Zinn refers 
to as American exceptionalism.


Afghanistan Proves It

If only you could be strong and manly and 
Republican and a red-blooded 'Murican through and 
though, you'd support a tough American foreign 
policy.  With other people's kids, of course.  I 
mean, you wouldn't actually have to do any 
fighting yourself.  You just talk the talk, rack 
up the draft deferments, win the elections, and 
let the sons and daughters of lily-livered 
Defeatocrats do the actual killing and dying part.


Nothing But Fascists

Never in modern history has country been forced 
to pay for its death, torture, and destruction 
with its own money - its own oil revenues. Iraq 
has become a country where thieves are entrusted 
with its richness and where murderous gangs are entrusted with its security.


Democracy Dreaming

Every rebellion is waged because the benefits 
sought outweigh the risks taken.  Jefferson and 
the other Founders knew that.  Not fixing the 
government they gave us dishonors them and all 
the Americans that have died and sacrificed for 
their country.  And it makes our lives miserable 
and penalizes future generations.  Has time run 
out for restoring American democracy?


U.S. documentary shows everyday abuse of Abu Ghraib

The interrogations innocent Iraqis like Abbas 
suffer every day deserve as much attention as the 
now infamous photographs of abuse at Abu Ghraib, Tucker said .


Sunni Baghdad Becomes Land of Silent Ruins

BAGHDAD, March 25 — The cityscape of Iraq’s 
capital tells a stark story of the toll the past 
four years have taken on Iraq’s once powerful Sunni Arabs.

Theirs is a world of ruined buildings, damaged 
mosques, streets pitted by mortar shells, 
uncollected trash and so little electricity that 
many people have abandoned using refrigerators altogether.

The contrast with Shiite neighborhoods is sharp. 
Markets there are in full swing, community 
projects are under way, and while electricity is 
scarce throughout the city, there is less trouble 
finding fuel for generators in those areas. When 
the government cannot provide services, civilian 
arms of the Shiite militias step in to try to fill the gap.


Rocket hits Baghdad Green Zone

A ROCKET landed in Baghdad's heavily fortified 
international Green Zone, rocking the US embassy 
but causing no casualties, witnesses said.

The blast took place just hours after outgoing US 
ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad told reporters that 
he was cautiously optimistic about the future in Iraq.,21985,21453600-5005961,00.html


Pictures: American dirty operations in Iraq


Five US soldiers killed in Iraq bombings

Bomb attacks killed five US soldiers in Iraq, the 
US military said on Monday amid reports that the 
outgoing US ambassador held talks last year with 
Sunni rebel groups in a bid to curb the country's raging insurgency.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 25 March 2007

    * Zionist newspaper Haaretz opens bureau in 
occupied Baghdad, tries to recruit Iraqi journalists with high pay.
    * Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen return to 
checkpoints; sectarian torture, murder resume in 
Baghdad after US publicity stunt of “cracking 
down on militias” runs its course.
    * US, puppet troops carry out mass raids in 
Baghdad’s al-‘Adl neighborhood Saturday.
    * Resistance bombs rip through American 
intelligence column, US patrol in Samarra’ Sunday morning.
    * Resistance ambushes US patrol in al-Fallujah Saturday afternoon.
    * Puppet forces arrest nine in raids in al-Khalis Saturday.
    * Two puppet policemen killed in Resistance 
ambushes in al-Mawsil Sunday morning.
    * Shipment of 54 bodies of Jaysh al-Mahdi 
gunmen arrives in an-Najaf for burial.


Netanyahu tells UN's ban Arab peace initiative unacceptable

"Not a single refugee will return," the Likud 
leader told Mr. Ban, referring the Arab demands 
that Palestinian refugees who left there homes in 
1948 be allowed to return to Israel


'My son lived a worthwhile life'

In April 2003, 21-year old Tom Hurndall was shot 
in the head in Gaza by an Israeli soldier as he 
tried to save the lives of three small children.


NATO's potty rules shut out Afghans

Under a bizarre policy that echoes the days of 
segregation in the United States, Afghans who 
work at the NATO base at Kandahar Airfield must 
use separate toilets marked "local nationals only."


US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran

America is secretly funding militant ethnic 
separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile 
pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.


-muslim voice-

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