Bang Audy,
FYI, aku sedang tidak PMS waktu nulis ini. Ok? LOL. (Trust me, I know what I am 
doing and feeling. hahahaha ...)

The case is, bukannya Men tidak mau disaingi, but apakah Women bisa?
Kenyataannya memang jarang Women bisa bersaing dengan Men.
Memang ada beberapa Wanita yang bisa berprestasi dan menyaingi Pria, it's ok 
ok saja.
Tapi dalam banyak hal?
Talking about Fashion, Culinary, yang pada umumnya dikerjakan pawa Women, 
tetapi para expertnya adalah Men juga bukan?
Belum lagi kalau kita lihat secara jujur, apakah rata-rata Woman bisa 
berpikir dengan rasio dan logic seperti pada umumnya Men?
Seperti yang pernah kutulis beberapa hari lalu, bahwa feminist movement 
masihlah sangat muda usianya dibandingkan dengan this patriarchal culture yang 
sudah ribuan abad, dan definisi rasio dan logic yang selama ini kita 'amini' 
tentu berdasarkan dari cara berpikir kaum laki-laki yang telah 'menguasai' 
jagad dengan patriarchal culture ini. So, yah begitulah, untuk sementara ini, 
yang dianggap rasional ya yang sesuai dengan cara pandang laki-laki. 
Aku masih ingat tulisan Kang Beth yang mengatakan, "Aku tidak mau dianggap 
tidak rasional hanya karena aku laki-laki," untuk merespons pernyataanku "I am 
not rational only because I am a woman?" LOL. LOL. 
Mengenai mengapa 'expert' di bidang fashion, cooking, etc itu dipegang 
laki-laki, karena hasi kerja mereka di public sphere itu diperlakukan secara 
professional (professional means getting paid), sementara yang dilakukan oleh 
kaum perempuan yang di rumah dianggap "takdir" kaum perempuan sebagai so-called 
domestic creature, untuk memasak, etc. Seandainya apa yang dilakukan perempuan 
itu dihargai secara professional, of course they will improve their skill 
Di Semarang seorang perancang busana yang sedang naik daun adalah Anne Avantie. 
Setelah orang menghargai jerih payahnya professionally, dia semakin 
meningkatkan kemampuannnya. 

Mereka sudah mau merubah nature mereka dari Women to something 
else, memang boleh2 saja tidak ada yang larang.
Tapi seharusnya mereka punya sebutan baru lagi tuh, bukan 'Women' lagi.
They can be included into the transsexual female-to-male, I suppose? or 
whatever they like lah. What is in a name anyway? Mengapa makhluk berpenis 
disebut man, dan makhluk bervagina disebut woman? Mengapa tidak dibalik saja? 
Again, semiotic, language is arbitrary.

Ini saya setuju. Masalahnya terkadang ada feminist yang punya 
personal matter lalu mendiscreditkan semua Men. Saya tidak nyindir 
siapa-siapa disini ya, jadi Nana gak usah PMS ok?
Personal matter, yo'i. So, Abang jangan PMS dong kalo aku bilang para radical 
feminists (such as Germaine Greer) accuse men as the ones who trigger violence 
in the world. Itu kan their personal opinions? LOL. 

Mungkin itulah contoh women yang kecewa, mungkin mencoba untuk 
mendominasi Men but failed?
Mungkin God harus re-create the world supaya tidak didominasi oleh Men lagi 
ya? hehehe...
it can be because they have been disappointed by men in their lives, but again, 
it is their personal opinion. But mungkin bukan karena they were trying 
dominating men but failed. I dont think so. Bisa jadi they just wanted to live 
side by side with men, but men treated them very badly, so they thought they 
had better not live with men anymore. Toh, they survive without men, they feel 
happy without men, they find good friendship in women. Ga papa toh?

(kenapa manusia tidak cukup menjalanin saja segala hal-nya secara natural? 
Then there will be no such CASE!)
Yang natural itu bisa jadi political Bang Audy. hehehehe ...

Salam hangat,
(ga pake PMS, wakakakaka ...)

Audy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ati gustiati" 
To: ; 
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 2:20 AM
Subject: [RumahKita] Re: [mediacare] Abortion

saya pikir feminist dan men sering gontok2an karena men gak suka disaingi 
apalagi oleh mahluk wanita...
=====> Audy: Nah inikan alasan classic yang sering dipakai oleh para 
feminist untuk men-discreditkan men, correct?
The case is, bukannya Men tidak mau disaingi, but apakah Women bisa?
Kenyataannya memang jarang Women bisa bersaing dengan Men.
Memang ada beberapa Wanita yang bisa berprestasi dan menyaingi Pria, it's ok 
ok saja.
Tapi dalam banyak hal?
Talking about Fashion, Culinary, yang pada umumnya dikerjakan pawa Women, 
tetapi para expertnya adalah Men juga bukan?
Belum lagi kalau kita lihat secara jujur, apakah rata-rata Woman bisa 
berpikir dengan rasio dan logic seperti pada umumnya Men?
You tell me...

sebenarnya feminisme bukan utk menyerang kaum lelaki tetapi utk menuntut hak 
nya sebagai wanita dan sebagai manusia, menuntut persamaan hak dan itu 
tentunya sehat2 saja..kalaupun ada feminist yg blak2an benci pada lelaki itu 
personal issue tentunya,
=====> Audy: Ini saya setuju. Masalahnya terkadang ada feminist yang punya 
personal matter lalu mendiscreditkan semua Men. Saya tidak nyindir 
siapa-siapa disini ya, jadi Nana gak usah PMS ok?

saya banyak teman feminist disini, sebagian okay2 saja dan bersikap normal 
tak beda dgn saya, ada juga yg bersikap sangat maskulin seperti ingin 
menyaingi lelaki hingga dalam pembentukan pisik nya..nah ini yg saya sebut 
"dike" well...ini an american slang tentunya, it started out spelled 
"dyke"wich separates it from the sea wall around Holland, its a very 
derogatory term for female homosexual or lesbian,
=====> Audy: Mereka sudah mau merubah nature mereka dari Women to something 
else, memang boleh2 saja tidak ada yang larang.
Tapi seharusnya mereka punya sebutan baru lagi tuh, bukan 'Women' lagi.

saya disini salah satu member dari club Harley Davidson (walau udah lama gak 
ride bike again karena teman baik saya Audy sering khawatir kalau saya 
nunggang motor bermesin kuat ini, hampir 50%  temen2 biker saya adalah 
feminist...mereka hidupnya sangat bebas, tidak tergantung pada keputusan2 
lelaki, mereka hidup dalam dunianya tanpa harus menganggu kaum lelaki atau 
org2 lain, and I really have no problem with that whatswhoever, kadang2 kami 
minum bir sama2 di cafe setelah ride bike seharian..kalau saya tanya " 
apakah kalian gak pernah tertarik sama cowo eh?"
  mereka jawabnya selalu sama " hmm they re okay, just little assholes, 
thats all"
=====> Audy: Mungkin itulah contoh women yang kecewa, mungkin mencoba untuk 
mendominasi Men but failed?
Mungkin God harus re-create the world supaya tidak didominasi oleh Men lagi 

(kenapa manusia tidak cukup menjalanin saja segala hal-nya secara natural? 
Then there will be no such CASE!)


Deddy Mansyur  wrote:
          Mbak Nana,

  Not sure about this one:
  They are free to do anything they want to do with their bodies; namely to 
choose what clothes to wear to cover their bodies, to have sex with whom 
they are willing to do it, to be pregnant with their sex partner(s) that 
they want, until to get abortion when they don't want the fetus to grow up. 
And not to forget with the advanced technology that can make a woman 
pregnant without having sex with a man, or without sperm produced by a man.

  I don't think women can have sex with their fathers or their sons or their 
  I've been around for a while, know what I mean. Some of my female karate 
students at the University of Houston are feminists. They love to argue with 
men but not with this UDA urang awak, know what I mean.

  I think being a feminist is just fine with me. But when feminists try to 
attack men because they are just upset with men that men control the world, 
we need to talk peacefully.

  Mbak Nana, whatever it is - I love you baby.

  sensei deddy mansyur
  university of houston

  PS: sometimes it is tough being young - alhamdulillah I got to 50 
something, I am healthy and I am still alive with a wife, 3 boys, 1 dog, 4 
cats, 1 bird and 100 karate students.

    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Nana P
  To: Perempuan ; Rumahkitabersama
  Cc: Sastra ; apakabar ; Mediacare ; Zamanku ; PPI India ; FIKI ; FPK 
  Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 4:56 AM
  Subject: [mediacare] Abortion

  There is a very interesting article I found in one mailing list I join. It 
is about the legal abortion law in Tunisia, one country whose population is 
99% Muslim. You can find it at (the article 
is in Bahasa).
As a feminist who believes that women must control their bodies by 
themselves, and not other people-such as their parents, husbands, 
boyfriends, or the country where they live-of course I do agree that option 
to have abortion is exclusively in a woman's hand. Women-especially those 
who are more than seventeen years old so that they can be considered as 
mature enough to make big decisions for their own life-must really control 
their own bodies. They are free to do anything they want to do with their 
bodies; namely to choose what clothes to wear to cover their bodies, to have 
sex with whom they are willing to do it, to be pregnant with their sex 
partner(s) that they want, until to get abortion when they don't want the 
fetus to grow up. And not to forget with the advanced technology that can 
make a woman pregnant without having sex with a man, or without sperm 
produced by a man.
Some advantages from practicing abortion legally in my opinion (there must 
be a strict regulation though; that is to do the abortion before the 
pregnancy reaches three months old)
1. There will not be any baby born without being needed and wanted by the 
mother, so that it will create a very good emotional bond between the mother 
and the baby. I assume that many babies are born from a mother who is not 
mentally and psychologically ready so that it can cause the mother to 
neglect the baby. Feeling neglected by the mother will create 
psychologically troublesome kid.
2. There will not be any new-born baby disposed in a garbage can, for 
example. It often happens in Indonesia because many women who get pregnant 
accidentally are not ready to get their babies, but they cannot get 
professional treatment for abortion. To avoid shame to deliver baby out of 
wedlock, many women dispose their babies.
3. All babies will be born in a ready family so that they will be raised 
well; mentally, psychologically, socially, and financially. They can get 
good education to pursue their future. This will result in a good future for 
the country as well.
4. No woman will die uselessly because she has to face unprofessional, 
unhygienic and careless abortion.
5. It helps succeed the government's program to control birth (the 
government's family planning program). When the government succeeds to 
decrease the birth rate, the government will be able to give their best 
service to the citizens because they do not need much and much money for the 
citizens' welfare (to provide good facilities for education, health, food 
and drink, transportation, etc).
To end this short article, I want to quote what Germaine Greer stated in her 
What women 'won' was the 'right' to undergo invasive procedures in order to 
terminate unwanted pregnancies, unwanted not just by them but by their 
parents, their sexual partners, the governments who would not support 
mothers, the employers who would not employ mothers, the landlords who would 
not accept tenants with children, the schools that would not accepts 
students with children. (p. 86)
PT56 12.20 110507

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