Warner Bros. to sell movies via BitTorrent

Tue May 9, 2006 8:11 AM ET

By Bob Tourtellotte


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Warner Bros.'s video unit on Tuesday unveiled plans 
to sell movies and television shows to BitTorrent Inc. for legal downloads 
from the Web site that was once blamed for aiding the swapping of illegally 
copied films and programs.

The pact marks a big step for Hollywood as it increasingly makes digital 
files of movies and TV shows available on the Web because until last year, 
BitTorrent's software and Web site were considered to be aiding piracy of 
major studio films.

But in November, BitTorrent agreed with the Motion Picture Association of 
America, which represents Hollywood's major studios, to help stem illegal 
swapping of digital movies and TV shows by removing links to pirated copies.

Executives from Warner Bros. and BitTorrent said the MPAA pact and new 
digital rights management (DRM) software from BitTorrent were key elements 
in bringing the parties together.

"We've come to a point where you have sufficient consumer demand and we 
have the technology that is now mature enough," said Jim Wuthrich, senior 
vice president, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.

Starting this summer, Warner Bros., a unit of No. 1 media company Time 
Warner Inc., will make more than 200 films including blockbusters such as 
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and TV shows like "Babylon 5" 
available at BitTorrent.com.

The content will be available on the same day and date they are put on sale 
in retail stores, but cannot be copied and burned onto a DVD. They must 
reside on a computer drive.

BitTorrent will charge customers, and while final prices have not been set, 
the company expects TV shows to be priced comparably to the current rate of 
$1 per episode on other Web sites and movies to be around the price of a 
new DVD.

"We have just been embraced by the largest movie studio that is owned by 
largest media company," said Ashwin Navin, co-founder of BitTorrent. "We 
expect to see more deals and to push the envelope" for getting people video 
on the Web.

He said the site was in talks with other studios for similar deals but did 
not name them. Nor, did he say when BitTorrent expected to sign other 

For years, the studios have been worried that offering digital movies 
online would lead to illegal copies being traded and sold. Overall, the 
studios figure piracy costs them $6.1 billion in lost revenue.

But in recent months, the studios have begun to enter the nascent market 
for legal digital downloads. Last month, they said they would make movies 
available for legal downloads that users could own indefinitely. Until 
then, movies were available for download to be stored for a brief time, 
then erased.

Consumers continue to want to download movies and burn copies on blank 
DVDs, but executives in Hollywood believe that type of service is still 
months and perhaps even years away.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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