Honda Owner Manual Lists Talk Line
      - Aug 1, 2006 10:31 PM (AP Online)

WASHINGTON, Jul 31, 2006 (AP Online via COMTEX News Network) --

A toll-free number listed in more than a million Honda owners' 
manuals was supposed to direct callers to a government hotline - not 
to another number where the conversation is probably about anything 
but auto safety.

Honda Motor Co. said it incorrectly published an 800 prefix, rather 
than an 888, on a toll-free vehicle safety telephone number in 1.2 
million manuals for 2006 model year Honda and Acura vehicles and 
Honda motorcycles.

Owners who dial the 800 prefix hear a recorded message in which a 
woman's voice, speaking over a funky beat, urges them to call 
1-800-918-TALK for "just 99 cents per minute."



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