Muehlenhoff has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: Generate stats for monthly package upgrade activity

Generate stats for monthly package upgrade activity

Displays the amount of packages that have been updated or installed on
a system per month (this also accounts for installed packages since some
upgrades may install a new binary package). This operates on apt's log
files, so this only displays the update activity until the last reimage

Passing the parameter --top10 also displays the ten packages which have
been upgraded most often.

This will be used to collect the amount of package upgrades as a KPI.

This doesn't match low level package upgrades done "dpkg -i", but
that's negligable for our use case.

Bug: T116742
Change-Id: I9e5c82d05b1cef445eff293222c12b8d70bcd9b1
A modules/base/files/
M modules/base/manifests/debdeploy.pp
2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  Muehlenhoff: Looks good to me, approved
  Volans: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
  jenkins-bot: Verified

diff --git a/modules/base/files/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2222258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/base/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Displays the amount of packages that have been updated or installed on
+a system per month (this also accounts for installed packages since some
+upgrades may install a new binary package). This operates on apt's log
+files, so this only displays the update activity until the last reimage
+Passing the parameter --top10 also displays the ten packages which have
+been upgraded most often.
+import sys
+import os
+import gzip
+import glob
+import re
+import collections
+import dateutil.parser
+if os.geteuid() != 0:
+    print "needs to be run as root"
+    sys.exit(1)
+history_files = glob.glob("/var/log/apt/history*")
+months = collections.defaultdict(int)
+package_update_count = collections.defaultdict(int)
+for history_file in history_files:
+    if history_file.endswith(".gz"):
+        f =, "r")
+    else:
+        f = open(history_file, "r")
+    for i in f.readlines():
+        if not i or i == "\n":
+            continue
+        header, value = i.split(":", 1)
+        if header == "Start-Date":
+            month = dateutil.parser.parse(value).date().strftime("%Y-%m")
+        elif header in ("Upgrade", "Install"):
+            # Strip the information on the versions which were upgraded (noted 
in brackets):
+            updated_packages = 0
+            for package in re.sub('\(.*?\)', '', value.strip()).split(","):
+                updated_packages += 1
+                package_update_count[package.strip()] += 1
+            months[month] += updated_packages
+for i in sorted(months):
+    print i, months[i]
+if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--top10":
+    print
+    package_amount = len(package_update_count)
+    cnt = 0
+    for key, value in sorted(package_update_count.iteritems(), key=lambda(k, 
v): (v, k)):
+        cnt += 1
+        if package_amount - 10 - cnt < 0:
+            print "%s: %s" % (key, value)
diff --git a/modules/base/manifests/debdeploy.pp 
index ffa260d..2fd5e8b 100644
--- a/modules/base/manifests/debdeploy.pp
+++ b/modules/base/manifests/debdeploy.pp
@@ -14,4 +14,12 @@
     if $grains != {} {
         create_resources(salt::grain, $grains)
+    file { '/usr/local/bin/apt-upgrade-activity':
+        ensure => present,
+        source => 'puppet:///modules/base/',
+        owner  => 'root',
+        group  => 'root',
+        mode   => '0555',
+    }

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I9e5c82d05b1cef445eff293222c12b8d70bcd9b1
Gerrit-PatchSet: 6
Gerrit-Project: operations/puppet
Gerrit-Branch: production
Gerrit-Owner: Muehlenhoff <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Filippo Giunchedi <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Gehel <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Muehlenhoff <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Volans <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot <>

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