
So I've recently been hitting occasional deadlocks on the Recent changes
table when running multiple simultaneous import jobs into a MW 1.15.1
installation.  The import jobs are going through a custom extension that
executes Article::doEdit() to import the pages one by one -- and
unfortunately, the extension runs once for every page imported.

1) Would adding EDIT_DEFER_UPDATES to the doEdit arguments make any
difference?  (I presume not, since index.php is getting executed for every

2) If I set EDIT_SUPPRESS_RC for the edits, is there any way I can run the
updates as a batch after the import job is finished?

3) Any other ideas for reducing load on the system?  (Other than doing a
'real' XML bulk import, that is...)

4) The actual deadlock seems to be because of conflicting gap locks on the
RC table.  Has anybody seen this before (MySQL 5.1.49), and any ideas for
ways around it?  It's a fairly beefy DB cluster and the load just isn't
that high.

[2010-08-04 13:27:28 +1000] FATAL - RuntimeError: API error: code
'internal_api_error_DBQueryError', info 'Exception Caught: A database
error has occurred
Query: INSERT  INTO `recentchanges`
was: \'The film industry has a starring role in Vancouver’s ‘Hollywood
North’ economy, and the city ranks third in North American film production
(behind the obvio…\' (and the only contributor was

Function: RecentChange::save
Error: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting
transaction (dbmaster.mediawiki.load)

And from MySQL:


RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 26771 n bits 448 index `rc_cur_id` of
table `mediawiki`.`recentchanges` trx id 0 1432732 lock_mode X locks gap
before rec insert intention waiting
Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info
bits 0 0: len 4; hex 000245e7; asc   E ;; 1: len 4; hex 8003c873; asc   


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