On 08/16/2010 10:54 PM, John Bloom wrote:
So, I'm starting to look at doing some hacking on Meego and was
wondering if there was (or will be?) some mechanism for running some
task at a predefined interval. I get the feeling that an un-optimized
port of cron would have a negative impact on power management (given
that it tends to wake up every minute, regardless if there is work to
do). If this is documented somewhere and I missed it, please tell me
to RTFM and I'll happily do so. Thanks.

given the fact that we're fighting applications that wake up 10-40x per second (still), once a minute is a blessing.

I did a quick strace scan on a crond install and didn't see anything shocking, it's actually rather clean - only does reads and stats once a minute, which shouldn't dirty anything.

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