> >In Tracker we will be using ICU directly to support Chinese Pinyin
> >collations. We'll be getting /meegotouch/i18n/lc_collate from gconf and
> >pass it directly to libicu. This work is already on-going and will be
> >available in the next 2-3 weeks (currently we're assuming en_US.utf8
> >locale always in collation).
> Thanks for update. 
> For some app, locale is temporary changed, not saved to gconf. 
> Does tracker have interface to query with a given collation from input? 

Not right now. There's a branch which implements a "COLLATE" keyword in
SPARQL, but wasn't merged because we didn't find it useful at that time,
we preferred to have a single collation implicitly stated in the text
columns inside the database, as that would give us the proper orders
already in the indexes of the indexed properties. Anyway, if there are
real use cases of temporary locales applied in applications, or just
different locale needs for different collations, we may end up doing it.

> >Tracker's FTS, if enabled in meego (which I'm not really sure 
> >if it is),
> >should already support it. We currently use libicu word-breaking
> >algorithm to properly separate words during FTS parsing.
> FTS is enabled in MeeGo Tracker. But it uses glib as the default parser.
> I will submit a patch to enable libicu as default. 

Oh please, yes, enable libicu.

> BTW: For the input of tracker-search-tool, its length (g_utf8_strlen) must >= 
> 3.
> But the length of lots lots of Chinese words is 2. 
> Can we make it configurable for different languages?  

It actually should be configurable in the tracker-fts.cfg configuration
file, isn't it?
# Set the minimum length of words to index (0->30, default=3)

Oh, maybe you mean directly in the t-s-t text input? I'd suggest you
drop an email to tracker mailing list about this or fill a bug in
bugzilla. We're currently replacing t-s-t with a new tool called
"needle", still not in the master branch.


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