I am afraid we are losing the focus in regards to Vijay's original question.
Vijay did not say for what type of device he is looking for DVB support from

Digital television, DVB-T and ATSC, requires different antennae then analog
TV for UHF/VHF. For those the aerials had to be pointed to the transmitter.
For DTV that is typically not necessary. It is possible to receive the
signals with simple "rabbit ears" even from inside a home. However, that is
as usual dependent on environmental and other factors.


On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Ross Burton <r...@linux.intel.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 21:40 +0200, Randolph Dohm wrote:
> > Hi Ross,
> > no, it is not about DVB-H, that is dead born, it is about DVB-T.
> > So users can watch TV without payment like in any TV.
> > That makes the success, if it is default in. Nokias Key.
> If I want to watch DVB-T at home I need a rather large aerial that is
> aimed at the transmitter.  How does that work on a mobile device?
> Ross
> --
> Intel Open Source Technology Centre
> http://oss.intel.com/
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