I believe the order of putting pml maybe an issue here, you should put pml 
after defining your geometry and source not before. your defination of geometry 
is probably overlaying the pml . 
good luck.
gursoy b. akguc

 From: Adam Rogacki <roga...@niowaveinc.com>
To: "meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu" <meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu> 
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 5:09 PM
Subject: [Meep-discuss] Regarding PML on multiple boundaries


I have been running into some confusing issues regarding setting up a PML in an 
environment in Meep.  In order to simplify posting and understanding, I have 
removed most of my code, leaving the problem areas (my PML section) intact.

; Simulation Domain Sizes
(define-param simX 1.84375)
(define-param simY 1.581)
(define-param simZ 1.71129)

(define-param pmlThickness 0.5)
(define-param freq 2.33)
(define-param df 0.5)

(define-param sourceX 0.221875)
; Set-up Simulation Domain
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size simX simY simZ)))
(set! resolution 150)

; Set-up PML
(set! pml-layers
(make pml
(thickness pmlThickness)
(direction High)
(side X)
(make pml
(thickness pmlThickness)
(direction High)
(side Z)

(set! geometry
; Waveguide Outside
(make block
(center 0 0 0)
(size 1.84375 0.431 0.14525)
(material (make dielectric (epsilon -1E15)))
; Waveguide Inside
(make block
(center 0 0 0)
(size 1.79375 0.381 0.09525)
(material air)
; Open Waveguide End
(make block
(center 0.896875 0 0)
(size 0.1 0.381 0.09525)
(material air)

; Set up Sources
(set! sources
(make source
(make continuous-src
(frequency freq)
(fwidth df)
(component Ez)
(center sourceX 0 0)
(size 0 0.381 0.09525)

(run-until 10

The issue I am running into is that I want a PML layer of definable thickness 
on the +X, and +Z side of the domain, as seen above.  However, I am not sure 
that the above PML specification is correct, since I would also imagine that I 
could place PML on the -X and +Z sides as well.  When I change my PML 
specification for the X boundary to be (direction Low) (side X) and try running 
the simulation I get the error: "meep: invalid boundary absorbers for this 
grid_volume".  Since meep finds an error in this configuration, I am wondering 
if the above meep ctl file is really simulating what I expect it to be 

I have simulated my geometry (a rectangular waveguide through the center of the 
domain) with a PML on the +X only side and observed the e-field in the 
waveguide.  I then added a PML on the +Z boundary (ensuring that the PML layer 
didn't extend into my waveguide).  When I ran this simulation (PML on +Z/+X 
boundaries), the efield output was different.  This doesn't make sense since 
the Z PML didn't extend into the waveguide region.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

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