Dear MEEP users,
let me share a little code snippet with you. Sometimes it happens that
one wants to run a FDTD simulation with a broadband source, which
however avoids some frequencies. A single gaussian source is not
useful in such case, as its spectrum has always broad wings. Composing
the source from many narrow-band gaussians is not practical.

For such a case I prepared a band_src_time() class, which is used
similarly as the gaussian source except for that it transmits only in
a spectral window given by parameters f, fwidth.

Technically the source is a sinc(t) function multiplied by
Blackman-Nutall window. Such a waveform has proven to provide a nice
rectangle with highly suppressed side lobes and therefore spectral
leakage under -25 dB with default settings of a short source duration
(much better values available with longer source time).

To apply, put the following snippet in the sources.cpp in MEEP 1.2 sources:

/// Band source
band_src_time::band_src_time(double f, double fwidth, double s)
  freq = f;
  width = 1.0 / fwidth;
  peak_time = width * s;
  cutoff = width * s * 2;

  master_printf("Initializing band source for time_domain (f fwidth s)");
  // this is to make last_source_time as small as possible
  while (exp(-cutoff*cutoff / (2*width*width)) < 1e-100)
    cutoff *= 0.9;
  cutoff = float(cutoff); // don't make cutoff sensitive to roundoff error

complex<double> band_src_time::dipole(double time) const
  // e_i2pif     = exp(-1j*2*pi*freq*tt)
  // wnd_Hann    = cos(-(tt/(cutoff*2)*pi))**2
  // wnd_Hamming= (0.53836+0.46164*cos(tt/(cutoff*2)*pi*2))
  // wnd_Blackman= (0.42659 + 0.49656*cos(tt/(cutoff*2)*pi*2) +
  // wnd_Gauss   = exp(-((tt)/(cutoff*2)*3)**2)       // Gaussian
window, char. width = 1/3
  // wnd_ContRect =rect(tt, 0, (trunc((cutoff*2)/8/width))*8*width)
  double tt = time - peak_time;

  double sinc        = sin(tt*2*pi / width/2)/(tt*2*pi * width);
  double wnd_BlackmanN= (0.3635819 + 0.4891775*cos(tt/(cutoff*2)*pi*2) +
  //if (float(fabs(tt)) > cutoff)
    //return 0.0;

  // correction factor so that current amplitude (= d(dipole)/dt) is
  // ~ 1 near the peak of the band.
  complex<double> amp = 1.0 / complex<double>(0,-2*pi*freq);

  return sinc * wnd_BlackmanN * polar(1.0, -2*pi*freq*tt) * amp;
  //if (abs(tt)>1e-9)
          //return exp(-tt*tt / (2*width*width)) * sin(tt)/tt * polar(1.0,
-2*pi*freq*tt) * amp;
          //return 1;


bool band_src_time::is_equal(const src_time &t) const
     const band_src_time *tp = dynamic_cast<const band_src_time*>(&t);
     if (tp)
          return(tp->freq == freq && tp->width == width &&
                 tp->peak_time == peak_time && tp->cutoff == cutoff);
          return 0;


And add the following into meep.hpp:

// band source with given minimum and maximum frequency and duration
class band_src_time : public src_time {
  band_src_time(double f, double fwidth, double s = 5.0);
  virtual ~band_src_time() {}

  virtual complex<double> dipole(double time) const;
  virtual double last_time() const { return float(peak_time + cutoff); };
  virtual src_time *clone() const { return new band_src_time(*this); }
  virtual bool is_equal(const src_time &t) const;
  virtual complex<double> frequency() const { return freq; }
  virtual void set_frequency(complex<double> f) { freq = real(f); }

  double freq, width, peak_time, cutoff;

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