Dear fellow MEEP users,

I have been struggling for quite some time with this problem. I run a MEEP 
simulation in which a femtosecond
laser pulse impinges on a structure containing a semiconductor material (say 
silicon). In our experiment, we use
such high light intensities that during the pulse, an extremely high carrier 
density is generated in the semiconductor.
A this happens during the pulse, we have to take the changing carrier density, 
and therefore the changing plasma
frequency, into account. We can do this in our own FDTD code relatively easily, 
but we would like to make use of 
MEEPs readily available MPI support. 

So the question is, is there a way to change the susceptiblity of the structure 
during a simulation. What we have
in mind is the following. We will step() MEEP forward for half an optical 
cycle, calculate the intensity distribution
inside the semiconductor and use it to update the carrier density (and perhaps 
carrier temperature). From this we
will calculate new parameters for the Drude susceptiblity of the semiconductor. 
We would then need a way to update
these. Simply writing them back into the array using C does not work. Upon 
inspection of the source code of MEEP
I understand that this is because the array you specify is actually only used 
as a input to generate the chunks. So
I would need a way to trigger the distribution of the new parameters to the 
chunks. My understanding of the code 
is however by far not good enough to know how to achieve that.

Is there a way of doing this without changing the source code of MEEP? Some 
undocumented function that when
used wisely can achieve this? 

I would be very thankful for any advice!

kind regards,
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