Hi Everyone,

I think it might be useful in terms of outputing radiation pattern (output
on a spherical surface) directly and other purposes.

I defined a cylindrical surface as follow:

(define (mk-volume-cylinder rv l NSeg); Two lines, first and the last, are
the same
   (cond ((= NSeg 0)
              (volume (center rv 0 (* 0.5 l)) (size 0 0 l))
            ((ti (/ (* 2 pi (- Nv NSeg)) Nv))); angle to +x direction
(volume (center (* rv (cos ti)) (* rv (sin ti)) (* 0.5 l)) (size 0 0 l))
              (mk-volume-cylinder rv l (- NSeg 1))


(define monitor-cylinder (mk-volume-cylinder (+ r ro ro) sz0 100))

but when I pass it to function in-volume and want to get field on that

(run-until 200
        (in-volume monitor-cylinder (to-appended "cylinder" (at-every (/ 1
(+ fcen (* 0.5 df)) 20) (synchronized-magnetic output-efield

 MEEP return a error message saying

ERROR: In procedure meep-fields-output-hdf5:
ERROR: No matching method for generic function `meep_fields_output_hdf5'

孙月 mit freundlichen grüßen
PhD student
Nonlinear Physics Centre and Laser Physics Centre
Research School for Physics and Engineering
College of Physical Sciences
Le Couteur Building 59
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

Email: sue...@physics.anu.edu.au
Ph:  +61 2 61259077
Fax: +61 2 61258588
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