
I'm new to the discussion board, and I've been trying to find a reason for
a problem similar to what is discussed here:


Namely, I am trying to read an input file for the dielectric function. The
original data comes in contour format rather than pixel-dependent epsilon
values, so currently I'm reading that file and using its contents to decide
upon a pixel-dependent dielectric function. That process takes a long time,
so I had the idea to load the resulting eps.h5 file that output_hdf5
creates for future runs.  In short, the first run creates the dielectric
grid and the eps.h5 file, and subsequent runs can just read that file.

In practice, I've noticed that the values in the eps file, while
qualitatively similar to the input data, don't match the values I'm
returning from the eps function. The function basically checks the pixel
value for three specific conditions and returns either 6, 4, or 1
accordingly (the values are fictitious, just for testing right now).
However, in the eps file, I see a range of values from 1 to 2.25 (where the
maximum value of 2.25 replaces epsilon at those places I attempted to
return a 6.0).

Suspecting that subpixel averaging was changing the actual values, I
started checking the source code to make sure averaging is disabled.
However, the structure() constructor sets use_anisotropic_averaging = false
by default, and I'm doing nothing to change that (I never call set_epsilon
after initializing the structure). As a test, using the same eps function,
I set a simple check that returns the arbitrary value of 3.2 if p.x()<1.
In the output eps.h5 file, I see some averaging near x=1, but the eps = 3.2
values are intact for x<1.

So, some sort of manipulation of the dielectric function is still
occurring.  At the FAQ
I read that "even though the internal ε values are indeed discontinuous
when you disable subpixel averaging, the *output* file will still contain
some "averaged" values at interfaces due to the interpolation from the Yee
grid to the center-pixel grid." So, I suspect this interpolation is the
cause, but I don't understand how values of 6.0 are being interpolated to
2.25. Admittedly, the 6.0 regions are rather narrow, so I broadened those
regions considerably (by tens of pixels) to see if that would fix this
"over-smoothing". However, doing this made no difference for the 6.0->2.25

At this stage, it seems to me that the easiest thing to do would be to
create a separate script to read the contour file, process it, and output
my own eps file to be read prior to subsequent simulations (taking subpixel
averaging and the Yee grid out of the loop entirely). That way, I could
guarantee reproducibility. However, I'm still concerned about why the
values I"m returning from the epsilon dielectric function are being
adjusted so considerably. Can anyone explain to me what I might be missing
about how structures and their dielectric functions are established?

Thanks for any help in advance, and have a good day!
John Ball
meep-discuss mailing list

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