Hello all,

After simulating a trivial example with MEEP, I have found that the results of 
the computation of the electric (magnetic, electric+magnetic) field energy in a 
cube obtained using libctl and C++ interfaces slightly (~0.1-1%) differ. This 
examle is a 16x16x16 cube with PML boundaries and isotropic constant epsilon; a 
continuous-wave point dipole as a source. The energy is calculated in the 4x4x4 
cube at the center. Epsilon averaging is not used. The libctl and C++ files are 
attached here. I think that all the comutations are done by the same libmeep 
and should be identical or have discrepancies on the order of 1e-16.

My system is Slackware Linux 14.1 x86_64 with gcc-4.8.2, I tried this on AMD 
Intel core 5 CPU. I have installed the latest relesad versions of Meep, Guile, 
Libctl. Everything is compiled with "-O2 -fPIC" options, Meep has not MPI 

Andrey V. Panov
(set! progress-interval infinity)
(define-param sz 16) ; size of cell 
(define-param flsz 4) ; size of block for energy caclculation
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sz sz sz)))
(define-param sourcex (- 2 (/ sz 2))) ;
(define-param eps 2)
(define-param fcen 0.15) ; frequency of source
(define Amp 1.0) ; amplitude of source
(define-param dpml 1.0) ; PML layer thickness
(define ener 0.0)
(define dE 0.0)
(define timemean 20.0) ; the time for averaging
(define in_time 5.0)
(set! resolution 10)
(define dT (* 0.5 (/ 1.0 resolution)))
(define (my-output) (set! dE (electric-energy-in-box (volume (center 0 0 0 ) 
(size flsz flsz flsz))))
                     (print "time=" (meep-time) " dU_E=" dE "\n") 
                     (set! ener (+ ener dE))

(set! eps-averaging? false)

;(set! mat (material (make dielectric (epsilon 2.25))))
(set! geometry (list
                (make block (center 0 0 0) (size infinity infinity infinity)
                      (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps) )))

(set! sources (list
               (make source
                 (src (make continuous-src (frequency fcen)))
                 (component Ez)
                 (center 0 sourcex 0) (size 0 0 0)
                 (amplitude Amp))))

(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness dpml))))

(set! ener 0.0)

(run-until in_time)

(run-until timemean (at-every dT my-output))

(print "final E_U " ener "\n")

#include <meep.hpp>
using namespace meep;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

double eps(const vec &p) {
  return 2.0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  initialize mpi(argc, argv);
  //quiet = true;
  const double resolution = 10;
  const double sz = 16;
  const double flsz = 4;
  double Amp = 1.0;
  const double in_time = 5.0;
  const double timemean = 20.0;
  double ener, dE;
  double env_max = flsz/2.0,  env_min = - flsz/2.0;
  grid_volume v = vol3d(sz, sz, sz, resolution);
  structure s(v, eps, pml(1.0));
  fields f(&s);
  double w = 0.15; // frequency of source
  continuous_src_time src(w);
  volume ener_vol(vec(env_min, env_min, env_min), vec(env_max, env_max, env_max));
    ener = 0.0;
    f.add_point_source(Ez, src, vec(0.0, 2.0 - sz/2.0, 0.0), Amp);
     while (f.time() < in_time) {
    while (f.time() < in_time + timemean) {
      dE = f.electric_energy_in_box(ener_vol);
      ener += dE;
      printf("time=%g dU_E = %18.15g\n", f.time(), dE);
    printf("final E_U %18.15g\n", ener);
  return 0;
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