traditionally I've been a fan of Macports, but for this latest recipe I use 

everything seems to  work, except the standard failing symmetry test.

I'll leave it as an exercise if this works for MPI and Python.... enjoy

(note: I am aware it might be better to use brew link and unlink rather than 

to kegs)

install homebrew using ruby script

brew doctor

brew update

brew install libunistring

brew install pkg-config

brew install libffi

brew install bdw-gc

brew install readline

download guile 2.0.11 source (compatibility issues with 2.0.x for x>=12)

./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/readline/include" 


make check

sudo make install

brew install homebrew/science/hdf5

brew install homebrew/science/openblas fftw

brew install gsl (required for near2far check)

brew install automake autoconf (may already be installed)

download source for libpng 1.4.20 and latest versions for h5utils, harminv, 
libctl, mpb, and meep (do not use homebrew for libpng and h5utils unless you 
like segmentation faults and bus errors).

for all:

./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openblas/include 
-I/usr/local/opt/fftw/include -I/usr/local/opt/hdf5/include" 
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openblas/lib -L/usr/local/opt/fftw/lib 


make check

sudo make install


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