Dear Cenna,

Could you provide more information on what your simulation is currently doing (in contrast to what you want it to do)?


On 29-Sep-17 06:03, M. Avicenna Naradipa wrote:
Dear Meep Users,

I have been trying to do a negative refractive index simulation . So, what I’d like to do is to get an output similar to this paper here ( in Figure 4.

I looked into the archives and found this thread (, where it explained on how to create an oblique plane wave at a certain angle.

Trouble is, I have difficulty understanding the functions and how to set it. This is my input file:


; Code for Hyperbolic Metamaterial with Negative Refractive Index
; Based on meep-discussion archive
; Create by S.G. Johnson, modified by A. Gogo and Markus Testorf (2007)
; Create TM planewave in vacuum, propagating at an angle between 0-90

; Put output in a new directory

(define-param source-component Ez)
(define-param theta_deg 45)

(define-param fcen 0.2)
(define-param df 0.02)
(define-param wlength (/ 1 fcen))

(define-param sx 16)
(define-param dpml 1)

(set! k-point (vector3 0 0 0))
(set! ensure-periodicity true)

(define sy (* sx 2))
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy no-size)))

(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness dpml) )))

(set-param! resolution 10)

; defining function for exp(ik dot x+x0)
; x0 is needed because we want a fixed origin while creating amplitude
(define ((pw-amp k x0) x)
  (exp (* 0+1i (vector3-dot k (vector3+ x x0)))))

(define theta_rad (/ (* pi theta_deg) 180))

; direction of k (length is irrelevant (x,y,z=0)
(define-param kdir (vector3 (sin theta_rad) (cos theta_rad)))

; k with correct length
(define k (vector3-scale (* 2 pi fcen) (unit-vector3 kdir)))

(set! geometry (list
  (make block (center 0 0 0) (size infinity sy infinity)
     (material air))
  (make block (center 0 (/ sy -4) 0) (size infinity (/ sy 2) infinity)
    (material (make dielectric (epsilon-diag -9 9 9)))) ))

(set! sources (list
  (make source
    (src (make continuous-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
    (component source-component)
    (center 0 (* sx 0.5))
    (size sx 0)
    (amp-func (pw-amp k (vector3 0 (* 0.5 sx))))

(run-until 40
  (at-beginning output-epsilon)
  (at-every 1 output-efield-z)


I’m not sure how to modify the code, so that it will look like something this simulation So far I’ve managed to move the source above the material, but I’m not sure how to make it just a ray of plane waves going into the material (so that I can see the reflected ray).

Any help is appreciated, thank you.


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