Hello Developers and Users,

I was experimenting with adaptive mesh resolution feature in MEEP with the bend-flux example. I am not sure about my procedure, but I am trying to accomplish 20-resolution in the y-direction of waveguide and the default 10-resolution for x-direction in the wave-guide. For rest of the part in the lattice, I am expecting 10-resolution in both the directions. To get this done I took Diagonal part of Jacobian as (1 0.5 0) and scaled the epsilon and mu of the wave-guide and for the rest of the lattice, epsilon and mu are not changed. If I am doing it right, of which I am not sure, then why am I getting NAN values in the output. I tried with scaled default-material too, still no changes. Do I need to change anything more?
The part of the code that I changed is written below.


(set! resolution 10) ; the default value of example
(set! default-material (make dielectric (epsilon 1) (mu 1)))
;(set! default-material (make dielectric (epsilon-diag 2 0.5 0) (mu-diag 2 0.5 0)))

; J = diag(1 0.5 0)
; epsilon = diag(24 6 0); default value of example was 12.
; mu = diag(2 0.5 0); default value of example was 1.

(set! geometry
        (if no-bend?
               (make block (center 0 wvg-ycen)
                           (size infinity w infinity)
(material (make dielectric (epsilon-diag 24 6 0)(mu-diag 2 0.5 0))))
               (make block (center (* -0.5 pad) wvg-ycen)
                           (size (- sx pad) w infinity)
(material (make dielectric (epsilon-diag 24 6 0)(mu-diag 2 0.5 0))))
                (make block (center wvg-xcen (* 0.5 pad))
                            (size w (- sy pad) infinity)
(material (make dielectric (epsilon-diag 24 6 0)(mu-diag 2 0.5 0))))


command-line param: no-bend?=true
Initializing structure...
Working in 2D dimensions.
Computational cell is 16 x 32 x 0 with resolution 10
     block, center = (0,-11.5,0)
          size (1e+20,1,1e+20)
          axes (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)
          dielectric constant epsilon diagonal = (24,6,0)
time for set_epsilon = 0.158105 s
time for set_mu = 0.158099 s
creating output file "./bend-eps-000000.00.h5"...
field decay(t = 50.050000000000004): +nan.0 / +nan.0 = +nan.0
field decay(t = 100.05000000000001): +nan.0 / +nan.0 = +nan.0
field decay(t = 150.1): +nan.0 / +nan.0 = +nan.0
field decay(t = 200.15): +nan.0 / +nan.0 = +nan.0
on time step 4884 (time=244.2), 0.000819087 s/step
field decay(t = 250.20000000000002): +nan.0 / +nan.0 = +nan.0
field decay(t = 300.2): +nan.0 / +nan.0 = +nan.0
field decay(t = 350.25): +nan.0 / +nan.0 = +nan.0


Thanking in anticipation.

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