> On Dec 7, 2020, at 7:53 AM, Mandy Xia <m...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> Thanks Ardavan for your suggestion. So it means that I can simulate 
> nonpropagating waves only using a ContinuousSource?

You can also use a GaussianSource and look at the Fourier-transformed fields, 
for example.   The only point here is that a pulse source contains many 
frequencies, but evanescent waves will be excited only in a specific bandwidth 
— you need some way to look at fields in that bandwidth if you want to see them.

If you have a source that is generating evanescent waves (because c|k|/n > ω), 
this will show up as fields that decay exponentially away from the source.)

However, I'm don't recall offhand if the DiffractedPlanewave source object 
supports evanescent waves; you might need an explicit amplitude function of 
your source plane.
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