Hi everyone!

This evening we'll be holding a special PyCon edition of the Melbourne Python 
user's group.

We have a new venue for this meeting and the rest of 2017:

Outcome-Hub Co-Working Space
Suite 1, 121 Cardigan Street, Carlton

When: 5.45pm for mingling; talks starting at 6pm


1. Tyson Clugg: "Python: Ludicrous mode (with Django)"

> Introducing the idea of appropriate data flows, query optimisation, and 
> algorithm selections via the broader objective of reducing website latency. 
> The techniques taught are broadly applicable, not specific to websites in 
> Django.
> The goal is to open audience members eyes to the broader concepts of 
> appropriate tech stack selection by looking briefly at HTTP/2, caching (both 
> local and global), infrastructure stack layout, streaming responses, 
> aggregate requests, lazy evaluation, and some thoughts on the future of 
> low-latency web development.

2. Clare Sloggett: "Visualising data with Python"

> It's not just Matplotlib any more... there are more options than ever for 
> creating graphs and visualisations in Python. Libraries now come with 
> beautiful styling, data-friendly colour schemes, interactive plots, Jupyter 
> integration, online hosting and more. Seaborn, ggplot, bokeh, plotly.... 
> where should a newbie start? Is it worth the effort of switching from your 
> current favourite to something new? In this talk I'll outline the strengths 
> and capabilities of some popular libraries.

Afterwards: thoughts and highlights from PyCon, general announcements, pizza 
and/or drinks on Lygon Street

Sponsorship: thanks to Outcome Hub for providing the venue.

I'll be a little late, but Sam (CCed) will be hosting,

We hope to see you there! :)

Best wishes,

Dr. Edward Schofield
Python Charmers
http://pythoncharmers.com <http://pythoncharmers.com/>

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