Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 191 by romanenko.oleg: Implementation of CHECK command for memcached

I've been using memcached for storing data with a short lifetime and I found that the use of the "add" command to test the existence of a key requires additional expenses, because if the key does not exist already (expired) - it will be recreated. I have implemented a new command "check", which allows you to verify the existence of a key. This command also allows you to set a new expiration time for a key.

Use:   check <key> [exptime] [noreply]

Binary protocol is also supported.

I have attached three patches. Patch for memcached, which implements a new command. A patch for the documentation. And a patch for tests.

I also publish my patch through a git:
memcached forked repo:
and link to commit with patch:

        memcached-check.patch  11.0 KB
        memcached-check-doc.patch  6.9 KB
        memcached-check-tests-1.4.5.patch  7.0 KB
        memcached-check-tests-trunk.patch  7.0 KB

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