On Jun 19, 2008, at 15:29, Chetan Sarva wrote:

I wrote a quick little script[1] to aggregate stats on our cluster and managed to crash 4 of 11 servers after the first run and another server (same cluster) after another couple of runs. We're running memcached 1.2.5 compiled on Ubuntu 6.10 / 2.6.17-10-server kernel.

This happened to me once in my dev environment running 1.2.5 on Ubuntu 8.04 / 2.6.24-16-generic kernel but I've been unable to reproduce the problem since. I ran about 50k connections at it without "luck." I thought it may be related to memory issues so I tried filling the cache at various levels and still could not crash it.

Anyone else seen this happen?

It's possible this is the result of a bug that was recently fixed. I've been having my computer stomp away at doing roughly what you described and haven't had any problems (yet).

        Can you see if you can reproduce it with a more recent build?


Dustin Sallings

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