
Thanks Dean and Josef for your responses...  

Josef, what's the name of the microsoft caching software, as I'm not
familiar with it.

I know what you are saying is true to a degree, but I think it is worth
doing so every application that uses a database could gain the benefits
of memcached without requiring changes to the application code.

Wouldn't it be nice to get the speed boost of caching in all parts of
your application without needing to complicate your code with memcached
requests AND database requests?

I'm not aware of any open source database that is setup with memory
caching system that can be as large, fast, or as distributed as
memcached... It truly is a brilliant solution as is.  

> Integrating memcached into a database server API wouldn't be hard but
> I'm not sure it wouldn't cause a lot more problems than writing a
> database caching system from scratch. What you're talking about would
> require a great deal of work on the server's part to track which
> memcached server the data is stored on, to make sure that data is
> replaced when an update to the database is made, etc.

Why would it take so much work on the server's part to track which
memcached server the data is stored on?  Could not the core database
just use a hash? In fact, couldn't the hashing space could be
dynamically controlled by the core database to handle moving hashing
space from caching database daemon (CDD) to CDD.

Of course, this solution should include all of the current memcached
api, to support the current users, and to allow fast caching/sharing of
application data that doesn't need to be backed by a database. 

>From what I understand of what you're asking, you basically want the 
> database to be able to cache the result of a given query with a given 
> set of parameters, so that if they query is made a second time with
> exact same parameters it can just "look it up" in it's cache and
> the results directly.

No, that's the dumb way of caching. Surprisingly, even that way of
caching can provide incredible performance gains at times, but I'm going
to describe what I believe to be a much smarter way.

In essence, every row from any table is cached as an element. The CDD
has enough database smarts to process the sql, joins, etc from tables
and indexes. It's just rather than having to go through the core
database for every read, far more data that is known to be good will be
available in the distributed cache.

> Then, the database would have some mechanism so that it would "know" 
> when those cached queries are made invalid by *other* queries and 
> automatically evict the invalidated results from the cache.

There's the beauty and the challenge...  By having the core database 
communicate back to the cache when an update occurs, the cached data 
stays current.

> If it were really that simple , believe me, they'd all be doing it. 
> That'd kill your TPC-C scores!
By kill, I assume you mean show a factor of 10 improvement or more???
I don't know, and I'll detail my ideas on an implementation.

For discussion, let's only talk about the database type of queries. For
the record, I believe the caching database daemon (CDD) should
essentially implement the current memcached api if for no other reason,
than that is how I see the different CDD's communicating amongst
themselves without bothering the core database.

The amount of memcached support implemented in the CDD is completely
variable. Although I see it evolving to the point where the cached data
includes a timestamp in order to work smoothly with transactions, it
could provide a significant database performance boost by just
pre-processing the sql requests and caching non-transaction related

Let's look at how I see simple interactions working:

On the database side, imagine a key/value pair is hashed and distributed
for every database row.

The sql query is requesting the most recent data from a single row not
in a transaction. The CDD decodes the sql, determines the "hash" for
that row, and returns with data from a memcached get. If the get fails,
then the CDD controlling the hash will request the row from the database
core so there isn't any issues of duplicate requests or race conditions.

In the case of a sql query involving multiple rows from one or more
tables, the CDD gets a list of all rows from the table, or an index if
appropriate, and processes each row as above.

Simple row updates not involved in a transaction are again passed
through the appropriate CDD, to avoid race conditions.

Now for some magic

During a transaction things can get much more complicated, however we
can start by handling simple cases. In the simplest transaction, when it
is committed, the core database sends each CDD a list of its rows that
were modified on a priority channel. The priority channel is used so the
CDD will expire the affected, and optionally add the new row before the
CDD handles any more normal requests. 

Within a transaction, row data requests can include a timestamp or
revision index in an attempt to get data that was current at an earlier
point in time. I believe this will then allow the caching system to
duplicate the functionality of an mvcc database.

Transactional updates will be passed to the core database. The core
database will be modified, so it too can take advantage of the cache.
Instead of going to the disk drive to request a row, it may request the
data from the appropriate CDD.

And now, when things go wrong...

In my understanding of this, things become the most complicated when
communications between the nodes fails. My current best idea involves a
heartbeat sharing of disabled nodes. The goal is when any node cannot
talk to another, it disables that node, and tells every other node about
the problem on a priority channel. The calling node then falls back on
the core database to handle all requests for that node.

When the connection is restored, that node gets an updated or reset by
the core database before restarting.

So, in conclusion, the end goal of this is to provide memcached type
caching to the database in such a way that the data it returns is always
accurate. I'm not saying this would be easy, but it does seem to be well
worth the effort.



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