On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 8:35 PM, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In doing so, it will
> have to do many requests to other CDD's for info on any joined records,
> and to alert other CDD's that have joined records that changed, but who
> cares as long as no additional requests go back to the core database.

Congratulations, you have just invented a distributed in-memory relational
database that does *not* scale linearly, and you think this thing would
somehow be faster than the existing relational databases that can do exactly
this? Memcached is fast because there are absolutely no dependencies between
cache servers, and because it is a really simple storage for keys and
values. What you suggest is the opposite of that.

I think you should take a look at Django or similar, you get an
object-relational mapper as well as a caching database framework, which is
even easier to use than plain SQL or ODBC, and you get a lot of common usage
covered by memcached automatically.

/Henrik Schröder

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