I had asked about some things related to this a few weeks ago and got some
good info here on the list:

Quote from Tormod:

This works, but we have changed to not installing memcached as a service
using the "-d install" switch. This gives no flexibility to install other
instances or to change paramaters like port or memory without fiddling
directly in the Registry after install.
Instead we use the built in "sc" tool in Windows to manage services.

This is what must be run to install one instance:
sc create memcached11211 binPath= "C:\Admin\memcached_runtime\memcached.exe
-d runservice -p 11211 -m 2048" start= auto DisplayName= "MemCached 11211"

Just repeat for more instances on the same machine by changing the port
number in the servicename, the actual port after the "-p" and the
DisplayName parameter.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Matthew Drayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Hi there,
> Just wondering if someone can point me in the direction of a resource
> describing how to configure multiple instances of Memcached on a single
> Windows 2003 server.
> Thanks!
> Matt

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