Dear All,

Coming back from being under the weather, I'd like to update on this:

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 5:30 PM, Simonas Leleiva
<> wrote:
> * Write up an introductory text and review it here on ML
>   ACTION: Sivan Greenberg(sivang) to follow-up

Will follow up during the weekend most prolly.

> * Create page design (banner and profile images)
>   Re-use existing Nemo resources from the Mer Artwork Repo [1]
>   ACTION: Sivan Greenberg(sivang) to lead this

Ditto, weekend to investigate. Regarding the banner, this will be used
as well for social networks id's or more to share as an 'ad' to spread
the word about Nemo/Mer ? Also, I think it is wise to create presences
for both Nemo and Mer in separation for all networks, but perhaps Mer
will be better served in "technical" oriented one where as Nemo could
benefit more from more "relaxed" networks like Facebook for fan pages
etc? (sorry if we've had this discussion before, I'd like to recoup)

Best and thanks!


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