Darrio Hi,

Good to meet you again at FOSDEM and thanks for taking the time to propose

If it would be in scope, I'd be interested in participating by building
images from newly generated Mer package and by providing some hardware for
image testing.

I'm not sure would be able to make the full 5 days, more likely F+S+S.



On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Dario Freddi <dario.fre...@ispirata.com>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> after some talks with David here at FOSDEM, we finally decided to get the
> ball rolling and try to organize something we've been talking about since
> months: a Mer sprint.
> -- What is that?
> A sprint is an in-person meeting between the contributors. It's an intense
> series of days in which lots of code is made, strategic decisions are
> taken, and much more. Not to forget meeting face to face people you talk
> with daily on IRC makes remote work way more bearable :) It's a common
> practice among main open source projects.
> -- Who is that for?
> Everyone who is involved as a contributor in Mer.
> -- How does it work?
> The format we thought about (up for discussion) is a 5-days sprint,
> starting Wednesday and ending Sunday, with Saturday as an Open Day. The
> open day will be an opportunity to do some outreach to the local
> communities for Mer.
> -- When?
> The dates are up for bidding. I've made a Doodle:
> http://www.doodle.com/y7mtvzxpwy5x96k8
> In which I put only monday as a date. The format is "this week works for
> me".
> -- Where?
> The venue is up for bidding. Ispirata offers his offices in Venice, Italy,
> as a possibility. Quite close to Venice and Treviso airport, accomodation
> nearby, good food, good climate :) Other proposals are welcome.
> -- Costs?
> The venue must be sponsored by the provider, so that the only costs are
> travel and accommodation. In KDE, we have successfully done
> indiegogo/kickstarter campaigns to partially or completely finance those
> costs. This is something I plan to do once the sprint is confirmed.
> -- Ok, I like this. How do we get there?
> With some deadlines :) I'd like to open a call for participation and call
> for venues today, ending February 17th, which should be enough time for
> everyone to settle. The venue will be decided on a "minimal cost basis", as
> is: the less people who have to travel long distances, the better.
> We're going to use Doodle for polling participants and dates (link above).
> Given pretty much everything is up for discussion, please reply to this
> thread if you want to help making the sprint happen or have other proposals.
> Thanks for reading everything, and hope to see you soon!
> --
> Dario Freddi
> Email: dario.fre...@ispirata.com
> Mobile: +39 329 65 93 570
> GPG Key Signature: 511A9A3B
> Ispirata - Rise to Excellence

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