On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 02:50:13PM +0300, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
> I will be merging the dconf patches for mlite 
> https://github.com/nemomobile/mlite/ fairly soon.
> fairly soon = I am aiming for tomorrow.

I will not merge stuff today since I feel I still need to give more info and 
I will be aiming for tomorrow morning.

This PR will have to be merged:
It drops the gconf elements from gstreamer.

This is another one for nemo-theme-default:
There you can see how the nemo database is being populated.

I have also pushed the migration tool to the dconf repos:

Some more work is needed for the tool so it'd be fired during boot and does the 
only once. I will be working on that tomorrow.

> The PR are https://github.com/nemomobile/mlite/pull/13 and
> https://github.com/nemomobile/mlite/pull/12
Those I announced yesterday already ;-)

> What is unknown to me is if the ohm gconf plugin is being used by nemo or not.
> If it's used then we need to find a way to fix it and/or replace it (Which 
> will delay
> the dconf land but that's fine) or we simply remove it if we don't use it.

I'd still appreciate feedback on that part as I don't know.


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