--- Mitch Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't comment on your VW, other than to wonder
> where
> you get your B50, and if it might be B40/M10 from
> not
> removing the methanol. 

I get 1/2 a tank of B100 (99 lately, actually) from a
CFN cardlock station in Oly and then fill 'er up with
petrol diesel.  When our TDI had the same problem, I
did suspect the fuel, so I brought a sample to my
mechanic who said he could test it, but he reported no
problems (I do suspect, however, that the age of the
fuel I get there might be an issue).  Personally, I'm
now convinced it's primarily the heat (which is the
best explanation I got at the TDIClub biodiesel
forum): it only just started to get into the upper
80's around here; I've been stuck in traffic in the
heat alot recently (and when I'm not I "push" the
engine, if you know what I mean); and though still far
from the red, just before my wife noticed the puddle
under my car, I noticed my temperature reading was a
little higher than I usually see it.  As Viton is
rated to withstand temps up to 550degF, I'll place my
faith in it.

> I do wonder what hose your indy used on the 240D.
> Did it have a cloth sheath on it?

Yes; for the courtesy of your address, I'd be happy to
send you (and any other interested readers) a piece to


P.S. for redghost: Bow Wow does not inventory Viton
tubing - good thing I called before I went there.

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