
referring to The Flying Spaghetti Monster. He created everything. Some locations are not as immersed in His Noodly Goodness, and actually believe we evolved from monkeys, or sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus. The poor simpletons in KS are intent on teaching something called intelligent design, as a counter agent to the theory of Evolution, but are refusing the truth of Pastafarianism.

The FSM has correlative studies linking global warming, not to excess diesel emissions but to the decline in Pirates. Diesel, of course, have no relation to warming of the earth/climate, where it is proven that had we more Pirates, the world would be a cooler place

On Monday, August 29, 2005, at 05:26 PM, Marshall Booth wrote:

redghost wrote:
His noodley goodness has not covered the area to the point of allowing
the slavering masses to perceive the wonder of the Peugeot.  Must be
the interference of the Discovery Institute spreading the false
intelligent design hypothesis.



Seattle Bioburner

1972 220D - Gump
1995 E300D - Cleo
1987 300SDL - POS - DOA
The FSM would drive a Diesel Benz

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