New England is home to a stellar AMTRAK success story in the Nor'Easter line 
between Portland and Boston. My Dad took it for a business meeting last winter. 
The train left Portland only 1 hour late and each stop made them later as they 
had to jockey the train around to find a door that wasn't frozen. So he got to 
Boston a total of 3 hours late but that was okay because they'd left plenty of 
extra time.
For the trip home the train left a mere 4 hours late and apparently the 
connection between the ends of the train had broken so going home they couldn't 
go more than 40MPH. So they arrived home only 6 hours late... Stellar success 


Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 23:48:58 -0700
From: "kevin kraly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] 'em
To: "Mercedes mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

from my house in Hillsboro, to downtown Portland, OR, one would have to 
nearly 3/4 of a mile to a bus stop (20 minutes) to catch a bus to take 
a 15 
minute ride to the MAX light rail station (fares just went up to 
take a 25 minute ride on MAX, noisy, jerky, and uncomfortable, and 
take another bus north or south a few minutes to get to your 
It's a 30-35 minute ride by car, much more comfortable, about the same 
for fuel as the Tri-Met fare, and you're not bound by some schedule 
This is why cars continue to clog up the highways and byways rather 
people taking public transportation.

Kevin in Hillsboro Oregon

1978 300CD 200K+ miles, Vinnie 

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