I had no idea that half of the folks on this list(s) were going to work each 
day packing heat. I've lived/worked in or around three of our most violent 
cities and NEVER felt the need to carry a handgun around with me -- Boston, 
NYC and DC. I drove thru a six block length of crack houses to get to work 
at USCG HQ every morning for two tours. I used to walk around NYC for 
pleasure. The most I protected myself was an 8" hunting knife under the seat 
of my MG when I was stationed in NYC and that was only because I'd have to 
wait sometimes around Battery Park (car top down) in the wee hours of the 
morning in line waiting for the ferry boat to arrive for the ride to the 
island on which the base was situated -- a ferry boat that ran only every 
half hour. 

In a half century of life, I've never been in a situation where I thought my 
life was threatened to the point that I would have drawn a weapon. (Guns 
have no influence on out-of-control airplanes, motorcycles, or cars.) 

Jabba, I expect this of you.
Chris, I am somewhat in shock.
Kleb, you live in Oklahoma so what can I say.

Honestly, guys, has our country become so paranoid that the last thing we 
kiss goodnight is the .357 on our nightstand?

Any job openings in IT up in Canada? 

Sorry to do another gun post, Kaleb, but I just had to. I shall say no more 
and certainly pray that I've not started a new thread. 

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle


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