It's when you shoot the messenger instead of the message, literally "to 
the man."  You will notice a lot of this in political discourse when 
someone on one side (the "hearer") disagrees with something one on 
another side said (the "sayer"), and starts trashing the sayer as a 
person, rather than presenting any sort of logical or rational argument 
against what was said.  This usually happens when either 1) what was 
said was correct and disagreed with strongly-held views and opinions of 
the hearer, or 2) the hearer is stupid and can't argue rationally or 
logically, or 3) all of the above.

I won't go into my opinions and anecdotal observations on who is more 
"ad hominem" in their responses to things said.


>> ...Moronic, stupid, unfunny, ad hominen attack....
> The only other person I've ever seen use the term ad hominem is VanCleef.
> I still don't know what it means,
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