Oh, they'll care. Nothing about the food suplply though. (unless they decide
to throw that spin on it) They'll care that you might be able to get from
one place to another without paying a tax.

I could more imagine that if this got "out of hand" (hard to say what
exactly that would be), Maybe Vegoil will become more like explosives or
hazardous materials, etc. and require a permit for "large quantities" (5
gallons or more). I can see them throwing out a headline like "Permits
required for vegetable oil as unscrupulous people are trying to buy untaxed
fuel and are threatening our nations food supply!" (Heaven forbid we should
run out of cooking grease!)

To get a permit you have to be a restaurant owner or otherwise in food
services. That way they could try to prevent people from using it as fuel. I
could pretty easily see that happening.
What I don't find as likely is the obvious consipracy theory perspective
that soon they will have computers in our car keeping track of our fuel and
will have some tagging or other such thing so that the cops will get some
sort of electronic notification when you drive past on "illegal" (untaxed)
fuel. Though I suppose it's possible they could integrate something like
that on new cars...

Levi (:

On 10/21/05, Christopher McCann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I buy a million twinkies and feed them to my
> parakeets, the govt won't give a shit. Just like If I
> buy 200+ lbs of VO and feed it to my car.
> Chris

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