More like the last 100 years... Probably more. At least since income tax was established. It 10% is enough for God almighty, a mere mortal gummit ought to be pleased with 8 or so. Now the gummit total take among feds, state, property, sales, and so forth is over 50%.

Randy wrote:

 And they sure do have a SHORT memory!

A desire to go to DC is a desire to be mauled by the special interest groups.
There has not been a candidate in probably 40 years that has done what
is best for the nation - most do what they 'seem' to hear from their
constituency, which each desire more hand-out from the feds and their
taxes.  Until we become less of a gimme nation, we have the same
idiocy each time the vote cycle rolls through.  Can you guess which
levers I pulled at the booth?  There is not a dime's worth of
difference between any of the party guys.

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