Its important to remember that the vacuum lines on a 1980 are 30+ years old now 
and ARE going to fail. The plastic has hardened and vibration will make them 
break. Fixing vacuum issues isn't a "Today I work on it and it'll be good 
forever" its going to be "I need to work on this every year from now until 
forever" unless you replaced them all now...

A mityvac and the vacuum diagram is an investment into your future. Vacuum 
troubleshooting isn't hard, you follow pull the block, pump it down (or try to 
anyway) and follow the line to the offender.

For example:
Last fall I drove myself to the airport in my '78 240D, when I got there the 
car wouldn't shut off. Manual transmissions are handy, step on the brake, pop 
the clutch, problem solved. When I got back the problem hadn't magically fixed 
itself but I did notice it wasn't an issue if the doors were unlocked. Hmm, 
problem therefore MUST be in the door circuit, specifically the UNLOCK side of 
the door circuit.
Theres a block of vacuum hoses under the driver's feet so I pull back the 
carpet, start unplugging things and pumping down the mity vac and see what 
happens. Some lock or unlock doors on the other side of the car (if one pulls 
down but doesn't do anything release vacuum, change the lock state of the doors 
(unlock or relock) and see what try again) and one unlocks the rear driver's 
door but one doesn't seem to do anything and doesn't hold vacuum... Start 
following that one, it goes under the driver's seat and I find a break where it 
comes out. Find another in the door. Now the rear passenger's door unlocks and 

Start the car and verify function with engine vacuum, thats good AND the car 
shuts off. Problem solved. Also replaced a 4 way adapter which makes the doors 
unlock and relock faster and hold vacuum longer.
Theres more to be gained on this car (leaky old fittings) but I ran out of time 
that day and its cold now so I'll work on it more in the spring.


Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 16:51:27 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [MBZ] 1980 300 SD vac lines again!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 you'll call me, I'll check the lines with you over the phone. I just 
went through this with my Indie. Yes, instead of spending hours tracing 
down lines with a Mity-vac, I let my Indie do it since he's trained on 
what to look for, has the manuals, and I'm not. He found a leak in the 
right rear door lock which was bleeding off vacuum...fixed that. Then 
the cruise control was leaking don't work and I don't want 
to use he plugged that. Then we found a leak in the line from 
the IP to the vacuum modulator on the tranny. I almost never found the 
part number for the plastic cap (dealer and everyone on line wanted to 
sell me the whole modulator valve for 70-90.00 instead of 14.00 for the 
plastic cap). Fixed it and all is well. 
As to the Hard Wired setup, 
unless it works differently than what I've read, it won't fix your 
blower problem. The 80 300SD with the servo has a vacuum pod under the 
dash which controls the blower, except on defrost. Defrost over rides 
because the windshield clearing is a driveability / safety issue. Hence,
 if this pod is bad or any lines that can affect it (like my door lock 
was doing), you won't get blower except for the defrost. I actually 
replaced my blower motor, only to find that although it seemed like the 
problem, it was really a vacuum problem from this control pod under the 
Anyway, unless you want to buy a Mity-vac, buy the manuals, 
and spend your spare time trying to figure which line you are really 
tracing for vacuum, I'd recommend a good Indie. It's cheaper and quicker
 in the long run. At least that has been my personal experience with my 
two old 617s...others may have had different outcomes...over which I 
have had no control. I like DIY also, but I realize my limitations and I
 realize who is best at what tasks (me or my Indie) and act accordingly.
Best Wishes, 
Roger Hale 
Monroe, Ga. 

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