Nope, next door to our place is a colonia that a local farmer houses his migrants in for a few weeks during the summer (these are graders not pickers, "your higher class of julio" as he explains it) and they are all legal. Now this fella did spend a little time paying off a federal felony the last year or so (importing Wisconsin deer to his hunting farm) but does not mess with the illegals.

The "willing to do the work" is totally operative here despite a large number of unemployed people who have few skills of any sort. A lot of stuff goes unpicked as there seems to be enough money in it that not all stuff needs to be picked. I am told the aforementioned fella made $10M year before last on his tomats after the blight hit Florida. Gleaners come and pick stuff after the market tomats are picked if the farmer allows, I might do that this year and lay in a supply of sauce.


On 3/27/11 11:07 AM, Allan Streib wrote:
Rich Thomas<>  writes:

Big fines for employers (I think $10k/head), if caught they are sent
off.  It is a distinctly unfriendly place for illegals though there
are still quite a few around, but not nearly as many as NC or other
suthrun states.
So in SC do the crops rot in the fields as the farmers cannot find any
one "willing to do the work" to harvest them?


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