Todd Smith wrote:


"There are plenty of people on the Olds Diesel list with 100K+ and some
200K+ vehicles.  Certainly nothing like this list where every second
vehicle rolled off the Ark but it is still impressive for vehicles
everyone just knows are "junk" " 



I used to be a Service Manager at an Oldsmobile and Honda dealership.
Nearly all of the technicians had been there since before 1979 (some
before 1969), and all of them, with one exception, described the old gm
diesels as junk. However, none of them knew anything about them. Someone
on here mentioned that GM was not that good at offering much training on
diesels. I totally agree.  The one technician that liked these old GM
diesels had actually gone to a special GM diesel tech school to work on
these.  He liked them so much he had two 98 Regency diesels.  One was an
82 and the other was an 83.  He loved them both. He did admit that the
intake were lousy. He just got used to replacing them. I think he also
kept an extra injection pump handy.  Of course, in the late 80's you
could buy one of these cars for a song.  I think he bought a few of them
and parted them out keeping things like the IP on hand. He was a little
bit strange, though.  He poured a quart of tranny fluid in his tank
every time he filled up, and whenever he changed the fuel filters he
filled them up with tranny fluid.  



Donald H. Snook

McDonald, Tinker, Skaer, Quinn & Herrington, P.A. 

300 West Douglas

P.O. Box 207

Wichita, Kansas 67201 0207

Tel. (316) 263-5851

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