I suggest that you READ what was written. Viscounts corroded, mostly in the belly area, and it was not checked, found or fixed until there were a number of failures. The Hawaiian airliner that "lost its' roof " was a victim of corrosion and poor maintenance. To re-state:- Comet Two's with square windows failed at the rear toilet windows, fatigue. RAF Transport Command bought quite a few retrofitted with round windows and they saw many years of good service. Come 4's were a much improved aircraft and also saw many years of service, esp. in Africa. Public opinion was against them, even though they were a different bird.
Fred Moir
Ex British Nutter.
Lynn MA
It's Tommy this and Tommy that and "Throw 'im out, the brute"  RK.

Whats the Hawaiian airliner that lost its' roof got to do with British

Connie= beautiful
Comet= ugly shitbox that couldn't take the pressure

Deneal Schilmeister
St. Louis - Cincinnati
1997 SL500

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