Agreed. Looks like the Lowcountry is spared this time, but our neighbors to the north and the Yankees are going to whacked. I do not wish that on anyone.

Make good choices, be smart, and be safe y'all.


On 8/25/11 7:19 PM, Russ Williams wrote:
To all East Coast Lister's.

With Hurricane Irene bearing down on the East Coast.
Here is some advice from someone that's BTDT (too many times to count).
If You live in a area that is prone to Flooding. GET THE H?LL out of Dodge. If You stay Make sure you have a 3 day supply of Canned Food and a way to heat it.
Same for Drinking Water.
Working Flashlights and Batteries.
If you have a Portable Generator lay in at least 3 days worth of gas for it. Won't do you
a hill of beans if you run out of gas.;-)
If the Local Authorities Say Evacuate then Do so. Go to Higher Ground Inland.


Russ W.
South Louisiana

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