Tom writes:
> It's an article about a proposal to levee an additional tax 
> on hybrid vehicles because they burn less fuel & pay less 
> than their share if road tax.
> The article also proposes a "per mile" tax on all vehicles, 
> which we already pay through our fuel tax.

Your elected officials at work. This is the same administration that
responded to the recent fuel shortage by releasing some of our "strategic
reserves" and never asking us once to turn our thermostats down, carpool or
combine trips. 

It's also the same administration that gives tax credits for buying hybrids,
insulation and solar energy components. 

Wonder how they're going to tax my *bicycle*. Or maybe they'll give me a tax
credit for buying my next one.

Farging idiots.

2001 Colnago C40 (and a bunch of others!)

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