It has happened every winter since I bought my '77 240D. Today it happened
again. I jumped into the car at work to make a grocery run for a planned
supper (Mexican Lasagna, by the way), pre-glowed, pre-glow light no longer
illuminated, turned the key, and heard a slow -- painfully slow -- crank of
the engine then silence. How could this happen?  I'd taken five quick
one-mile trips in the car today in single digit temps [that is a giant

Anyway, when I walked back into the office, our admin assistant said, "That
was a quick trip."  I admitted that once again my diesel wouldn't start.

She asked me the penultimate question: "If it is this much a pain in the
ass, why do you INSIST (she is married, so has the language and tone down
pat) on driving a diesel?"

I had several answers for her:

  1. I am stupid, I knew a month ago that I needed to add water to the
battery but didn't.
  2. A little birdie told me to put the Benz onto the battery charger last
night, but I blew it off.
  3. I am an idiot.
  4. Why do YOU drive a minivan?

Fortunately, our operations manager was standing there (he is a typical Iowa
farmer about my age, a former 'Nam Green Beret who is able to take off one
of his legs at will to shine it up after being introduced to Mister
Landmine) and gave a better reply than I could muster in my moment of

Nick said: "Maybe because it will last forever -- 500,000 miles easy."

Denise (admin assistant) asked me, "Tell me again, what year is your car?"
I told her it was a 1977 model. She swallowed then said, "Gosh, it is the
same age I am."

I rest my case!

I told Denise that I am hoping this is the last car I have to buy for ME.  I
am 52 and I expect that, with good maintenance and my current pace of low
annual miles and perhaps a sacrifice to the rust Gods, this diesel will
still be on the road when the state tells me I am too old to drive any
longer. I threw out a figure of 25 years, and Denise said, "Gawd, I will be
about YOUR age then!"

Oh -- I just put about 2 cups of water into the Interstate MegaMother
battery and hooked up the battery charger. I'm sure the alternator is
working fine, because after about 15 minutes if driving and letting it idle
while I was in the store getting supper, it cranked right up. Only drawing 7
amps on the charger, so I think the drive helped with the resurrection.

By the way, I when I couldn't get my jumper cables to work on my wife's car
(damn'd side battery terminals buried under the windshield washer reservoir)
I walked across the street and borrowed a "hot pack" from the car repair
place. Slapped that on and the old Benz fired right up. I will need to
search eBay for a good deal one of those ES5000 [I forget the rest of the


1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle

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