As for the young man who defended himself and protected his sister. When
seconds count, the police are only minutes away.  Live is about making
choices, he choose to live and have his sister live. All choices we make
are not easy ones. He made a hard one.

As for the young men who invaded the home, armed, with intent to do harm.
They also had the ability to make both good and bad choices, all the way to
the end. They made the choices they did and reaped the rewards of them.
Unfortunately, when an individual makes bad choices it often impacts
others. In this case, their own families. Those families now have to make
choices about how to deal with the bad choices the young men made.  In this
case, it involves a funeral rather than how to visit them in jail, however,
actions always have results.

Contrary to present "feel good" "self esteem" teaching, in the real world
you are held accountable for your actions.


On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Randy Bennell <> wrote:

> I have to say this is a sad commentary in many ways.
> We have to feel sorry for the folks who were invaded by hoodlums and feel
> sorry for the poor kid who felt he had to shoot someone to protect himself
> but no one has yet commented on the kid who was killed or his family etc.
> One has to wonder why someone ends up in a scenario like this. Most of us
> are not born to a life of crime. Some may be trained by parents who are as
> bad or worse than the kids end up but sometimes the parents are law abiding
> citizens who must be wondering how and where they went wrong.
> Illegal Drugs are a likely issue in something like this. One wonders why
> some people fall victim to this sort of thing and others do not. I have to
> wonder and be thankful that my kids have not fallen into this trap. I have
> a niece (or at least my good wife has a niece, if we follow blood lines and
> the legal definition of niece ) who has fallen into the drug world. She
> periodically dusts herself off and tries to come back but it does not
> appear to be possible. She ha sno self esteem  and seems to lack the mental
> capacity of a normal adult. I have to think that she has fried enough brain
> cells to make it impossible for her to ever be normal. A sad thing as she
> is a pretty girl and could have had the world by the tail if she had just
> stayed away from the crack. We assume one day we will hear that she is
> dead. I assume it will not be because she was shot during a home invasion
> but assume it will either be an overdose or that she was beaten to death by
> some of the scumbags she hangs out with whenever she falls off the wagon.
> I have watched her grow up since she was born and cannot fault her mother.
> Her father has not been in the picture since she was an toddler. He was a
> hopeless alcoholic the last time I saw him which is a long while back.
> When she ends up dead, her mother is going to be very upset. I suggest it
> is likely that the young man shot in this incident has a mother somewhere
> who may well feel the same.
> Randy
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